Encyclopedia Titanica

Aubart account

Daily Mirror

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May 13, 1912 : I had in my cabin jewels worth 4,000 (GPB) as well as many trunks of dresses and hats. One does not come from Paris and buy one's clothes in America. That is understood, is it not?

Nothing could I take with me; nothing at all. Just as we were, in our night clothes, Marie (Emma?) and I went on deck where the lifebelts were put around us. One the deck there was no commotion; none at all. Oh these English! How brave, how calm, how beautifu! I, who am patriotic french woman say that never can I forget that group of Englishmen- every one of them a perfect gentleman- calmly puffing cigarettes and cigars and watching the women and children being placed in the boats.

So I have seen them in Monte Carlo. It was the phlegmatic Englishman in his most sublime form. Marie got into the lifeboat and then I. We were the last women to leave the ship.

My last night of the upper decks was still a group of those Englishmen, still with cigarettes in mouth, facing the death so bravely that it was all the more terrible.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2011) Aubart account (Daily Mirror, Monday 13th May 1912, ref: #11868, published 1 February 2011, generated 30th June 2024 07:13:28 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/aubart-account-11868.html