Encyclopedia Titanica


Elizabeth Daily Journal

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Relatives of Titanic Passengers Here Grief-Stricken Because of Suspense.
Almost crazed by grief and anxiety over the fate of relatives who are known to have been on the lost steamer Titanic, three persons in this city are on the verge of nervous collapse. The lack of details of the disaster and the incomplete lists of the lost and saved, and the uncertainty of the fate of loved ones is almost more than the human mind can bear. Benjamin Peacock, of 609 South Broad street, whose wife and two little children, one of whom he had never seen, were on the luckless vessel, is in a pitiable condition.

He spent yesterday anxiously awaiting an answer to a cablegram which he sent to England on Tuesday asking whether or not his wife had sailed on the Titanic. He was unaware of her presence on the ship until he read her name in the list of steerage passengers. She and her children were still unaccounted for in the lists published this morning. Peacock’s two brothers are also believed to have been on the steamer.

Fred Jefferies, of 21B Florida street, whose sister, two brothers, cousin and brother-in-law were on the Titanic, is in an awful state of anxiety to-day. He did not learn until this morning that his cousin, Charles Cann, was on the steamer, but the man’s name appeared in the passenger lists. Jefferies’s sister, Mrs. Peter Reniff, and her husband, resided in this city and went to England in December on a visit. There were eight persons in their party, all of whom were on their way to this city.

Torn with anxiety over the fate of her brother, Jonathan Sheppard, of England, who was the third engineer of the ill-fated steamer, Miss Frances Sheppard, of Newark, who is visiting Mrs. J. S. H. Clarke, of 561 North Broad street, this city, is in a state of collapse. She still hopes that her brother was one of the officers in command of the lifeboats, but the fact that so far no word has been received of those members of the crew saved, adds to the painful suspense. Sheppard was formerly on the staff of the Titanic’s sister ship, Olympic, but he was one of the prize crew picked to man the larger vessel.

With fresh dispatches coming in, giving revised lists of the passengers rescued and lost from the leviathan, it seems very probable now that at least four Elizabethans went down with the vessel and that several other persons who were on their way to visit in this city, are among the lost.

Few of the steerage passengers were saved and it is doubtful whether Mrs. Peacock and her two children, Treatrea, age 4, and Albert Edward, 9 months, were among the number. Her husband, who is employed by the Public Service Corporation in Cranford, slep [sic] little last night. This morning he visited the telegraph office but there was no answer to the message which he sent to England yesterday. He said this morning that he believed his wife and children and brothers had perished, although he has not as yet abandoned hope. He left for New York to wait, with the rest of the sad throng of people who had friends or relatives on the Titanic, for the arrival of the Cunarder at 11 o’clock to-night with all of the saved.

Jefferies also went to New York to learn, if possible, the fate of his relatives and friends. The name of Mrs. Reniff and Miss Emily Rugg, the only women in the party, were published among those believed saved and it is thought the rest of the party perished. Peter Reniff had been a resident of this city for several years and was well known in the neighborhood where he lived. With him were his two brothers-in-laws [sic], Clifford and Ernest Jefferies, who were coming here on a visit; Mrs. Reniff’s cousin, Charles Cann; Lawrence Gavey, a resident of this city for five years; Herbert Denbuoy of England; and Miss Rugg, all of whom were coming here. Jefferies has not seen any of his relatives since the coronation of King George. He learned this morning that his sister and father were to have been members of the party but decided at the last minute to remain in England.

Joseph W. Carter, of 43 South Broad street, is one of the few who secured permits admitting them to the pier where the Carpathia is expected to land to-night. Carter’s nephew, William E. Carter. of Philadelphia, his wife and two children, were on the ill-fated vessel. The family is believed to have been rescued. Mr. Carter went to New York this morning.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) AWAIT COMING OF CARPATHIA WITH RESCUED (Elizabeth Daily Journal, Thursday 18th April 1912, ref: #2453, published 12 March 2004, generated 30th June 2024 11:35:51 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/await-coming-carpathia-with-rescued.html