Joy and Sorrow in Hudson County Homes---Son of
Victim Temporarily Insane from Grief
With the latest revision of the lists of saved and lost from the Titanic
disaster, joy and sorrow were brought to several homes in Hudson County
to-day. In one there was rejoicing because the news was good and in two
there were bitter lamentations because of the confirmation of bad
In Bayonne to-day the relatives of Thomas McCormack, aged 21, of 446
Broadway, were made happy by the report that the young man had been
saved. His name was on the list of the rescued given out to-day.
Yesterday it was supposed that he had gone down with the ship, but it is
now certain that he has been taken aboard the Carpathia.
McCormack went to Ireland about six months ago to revisit his birthplace
and took passage on the Titanic at Liverpool. He has three sisters in
Bayonne, Mrs. Bernard Evers of 446 Broadway, and Misses Kate and Mary
McCormack of 36 West Twentieth Street. He was bartender for his
brother-in-law, Bernard Evers.
In contrast to the happiness in the Bayonne home, a sad scene was being
enacted in a little flat at 509 Willow Street, Hoboken. There John
Moore and his wife were sorrowing over the report that Leonard Moore,
the 19 years old brother of John, was lost with the Titanic. His name
was on the list of the dead authenticated by the White Star Line
officials to-day.
Leonard Moore and John Moore came to this country just a year ago and both
secured positions immediately. Leonard saved his money and early last
winter started for London to visit his mother. Unhappily for him and
his he chose the Titanic for the return trip.
Worn and haggard from his long vigil, John told a Jersey Journal
representative to-day about his brother and how he felt his loss.
"No, I haven't a picture of him. You know he was always with us, the
poor fellow, and one never thinks to take a picture of those with whom
one is so intimate. It is all so unexpected and horrible. It will kill
his poor mother. To think of him drowning with the rest like rats in a
trap. He was such a decent boy. I've watched and waited about the
White Star offices for hours and I've given up hope. It's just like the
lad to go down with the ship trying to let others get into boats."
Frederick Myles, aged 30, of 256 Grove Street, whose father, Thomas F.
Myles of Cambridge, Mass., was a passenger on the Titanic, is to-day
locked up at the Seventh Street Police Station for safe keeping because
he was last night driven out of his mind by grief at the loss of his
Young Myles was picked up last night at Mercer and Grove streets by
Patrolman May of the City Hall station. May thought the man was drunk
and locked him up on a charge of disorderly conduct. Later it was
discovered that Myles had merely broken down under the strain of waiting
to know if his father was dead or alive.
In the Second Criminal Court to-day, Patrolman May stated the
circumstances to the Court and Myles was held for safe keeping in the
station prison, a message having been received from his sister, Gertrude
Myles, of 55 Harmon Street, Cambridge, Mass., that her brother, Dr.
James Myles, would be here to-day to meet the rescued passengers from
the Titanic and take charge of Frederick Myles.
Myles to-day said he was a photographer for the Boston and Metropolitan
Opera Companies. His father, he said, a retired business man, had been
on a trip to his birthplace, Fernoi Island, one of the Cork Islands off
the Irish coast.
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