Encyclopedia Titanica

[Body found by Park Employees]

Bridgepost Post

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The body of Oscar Palmquist, Lennox Avenue, missing since March 27, was found today by two park department employees in the waters of the pond bordering Beardsley Park.

Insurance policies found in the clothing led to identification.

Medical examiner, H LeBarron Peters said the body had been in the water less than a week.

The man disappeared. After stating to friends he was going out "to have a good time". He was believed to have taken a considerable sum of money with him and friends feared foul play, Rev. A. J. Okerblom, his pastor, told police.

The man's pockets today revealed $7 in change. Cards, letters and the insurance policies, as well as a description of the clothing, enabled ready identification.

The corpse was discovered by Peter D. Hawkins, 466 Bishop Avenue, and John Grimes, 73 Hazelwood Avenue, Park employees, as it came to the surface of the water, about 10 feet from the island at the southern end of the reserve.

No evidence of foul play was found on the body, police say. There was nothing, either, to show whether the Palmquist died as the result of an accident or suicide.

The man was 37 years of age and attended the Swedish evangelical, Lutheran, Salem church here. He is survived by four brothers, and two sisters in Sweden, a brother, Amanda, Palmquist, in Stamford, and a sister, Mrs Gertrude, Anderson, in New Haven.


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2024) [Body found by Park Employees] (Bridgepost Post, Saturday 18th April 1925, ref: #755, published 24 February 2024, generated 29th June 2024 07:51:28 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/body-found-by-park-employees.html