Mr. J. J. Boreband (sic), one of the passengers on the Titanic, is well known in Toronto, where he was born about 36 years ago. Up to the age of 26 years Mr. Borebank lived in Toronto, when he went to Winnipeg and became a real estate broker.
In the fall of 1910, Mr. Borebank returned to Toronto, and rented the house at No. 177 Jameson avenue, where he lived with his wife and child, a little girl aged 7 years. During the time he was in Toronto up to last June, Mr. Borebank was engaged in the real estate business here, having an office at room No. 33 Quebec Bank Building, corner of Toronto and King Streets.
Last June he left Toronto he left Toronto for a trip to England and the continent, accompanied by his wife and daughter, and Mr. Frank Dissette, son of the proprietor of the Empress Hotel, Yonge Street.
"I left the party in England and returned home last August," said Mr. Dissette, speaking to the Telegram this morning. "Mr. Borebank after that, toured the continent, and last week only I received several cards from him dated from Rome and Venice. Mrs. Borebank and the little girl are still in England, where the child is going to school. It was partly to send the girl to an English school that the trip across the Atlantic was taken.
Mr. James Borebank, of 285 Euclid avenue, a grocer, is the father of Mr. J. J. Borebank. There is also a sister, Miss Violet Borebank, a stenographer in the employ of the Imperial News Company, living at the same address.
The father was naturally badly broken up this morning, and fears the worst.
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