Enzo Fiermonte Says He Scarcely Knows Mrs. W. K. Dick
RENO, Nev., June 17 (AP)---Enzo Fiermonte, Italian pugilist, who has been seen here in the company of Mrs. William K. Dick, the former Mrs. John Jacob Astor, today characterized as "a lot of baloney" reports published in Rome that he and Mrs. Dick planned to marry. He denied, too, that he had established residence here to divorce Signora Fiermonte and said he planned to leave Reno within a week.
"Mrs. Dick and I," Fiermonte said, "hardly know each other. I am the friend of her sons and I came here to visit them. It is not fair to Mrs. Dick to say these things when they are not so. She is a fine woman. I have only met her three times."
Fiermonte arrived in Reno about June 5. Three days later Mrs. Dick arrived and announced her intention of seeking a Nevada divorce.
Fiermonte has taken out a Nevada automobile license.
RENO, Nev., June 17 (AP)---Enzo Fiermonte, Italian pugilist, who has been seen here in the company of Mrs. William K. Dick, the former Mrs. John Jacob Astor, today characterized as "a lot of baloney" reports published in Rome that he and Mrs. Dick planned to marry. He denied, too, that he had established residence here to divorce Signora Fiermonte and said he planned to leave Reno within a week.
"Mrs. Dick and I," Fiermonte said, "hardly know each other. I am the friend of her sons and I came here to visit them. It is not fair to Mrs. Dick to say these things when they are not so. She is a fine woman. I have only met her three times."
Fiermonte arrived in Reno about June 5. Three days later Mrs. Dick arrived and announced her intention of seeking a Nevada divorce.
Fiermonte has taken out a Nevada automobile license.
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