Encyclopedia Titanica

Boy Scouts

Biggleswade Chronicle

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On Sunday afternoon last, members of the above troop visited Huntingdon for the purpose of attending a memorial service in memory of Mr R. C. Coleridge, late hon. secretary of the Boy Scouts, Huntingdon and District Association, who lost his life on the Titanic. About 300 scouts were present and the Hunts. Constabulary (under two inspectors), with several very influential gentlemen made up the parade. The service commenced at 4 o'clock at St Mary's Church, which was so packed that the scouts were standing in the chancel, and some had to sit on the Altar steps outside the Communion Rail, the Sandy Troop found seat on the Pulpit steps, being well satisfied. The hymn "Nearer my God, to Thee" was sung and a very appropriate address was delivered by the Rev Gordon, Vicar of St Ives, after which a collection was taken for the relief fund. It was a most impressive service and will doubtless be always remembered by those who were present.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2021) Boy Scouts (Biggleswade Chronicle, Friday 26th April 1912, ref: #589, published 28 July 2021, generated 1st July 2024 08:30:37 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/boy-scouts-589.html