Encyclopedia Titanica


Unidentified Newspaper

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Third Funeral Train Brings to Boston Victims of Titanic Wreck.

The third train bearing Titanic dead to arrive in Boston in forty-eight hours steamed into thr North Station just after 9 o’clock last night. A small but morbidly curious crowd gathered about as three plain black boxes, in which were coffined the bodies of A. W. Newell, president of the Fourth National Bank of Boston, A. O. Holverson of New York and Sebastiano Del Carlo of Chicago, were taken from the baggage car and placed on trucks.

The body of President Newell was immediately claimed by Charles W. Hartwell, an Arlington undertaker. The body of Halverson will be sent to New York, while that of Del Carlo will be taken abroad.


Del Carlo’s widow, a survivor of the Titanic, was aboard the train. She was among the first to reach the baggage car after the train stopped and walked beside the truck on which her husband’s coffin was taken to the baggage room. Accompanying her was the Rev. G. Moretto of the St. Raphael Society for Italian Immigrants.

Mrs. Del Carlo was one of the Titanic’s brides. She carried last night two watches which were her husband’s property, which had both stopped at exactly 4:15.

“My husband was a prosperous mechanic in Chicago and loved America,” Mrs. Del Carlo declared. “We were just married and he said ‘Our wedding trip will be to the great United States.’ Little did I expect to come into one of your great railway stations with my husband a victim of the cruellest disaster that the sea has exacted. I’d like to show you two watches which he carried at the time the great ship was on her way to America.”

The fabulously wealthy have had their friends and relatives to meet them, but here was a lonely little girl who had left the sunny city of Lucca in northern Italy to come to the shores of the greatest of republics who had none. She will go back to her father. America holds no one for her.

Wreath From President

Early yesterday morning the bodies of Isidor Straus, the New York banker, Francis D. Millett, the Boston artist and Richard F. White, son of a Boston banker, arrived at the North station. More than 500 people stood about in the trainshed while the bodies were being unloaded.

The body of Millett was taken to Mt. Auburn, where it was buried with a wreath sent by President Taft lying on the casket. The body of Strauss was sent to the South Station and placed aboard a private baggage car for new York.

The body of young White was sent to Waichendon, where it will be buried.

The body of John Jacob Astor had come on the train as far as Portland where it was transferred for Worcester and thence to New York.


Gordon Steadwood


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2013) BRIDE WALKS BESIDE CASKET OF HUSBAND (Unidentified Newspaper, , ref: #19658, published 18 December 2013, generated 1st July 2024 08:37:23 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/bride-walks-beside-casket-of-husband.html