Encyclopedia Titanica

Brooklynites are Lost as Titanic Sinks

Several Are Believed to Have Sunk With Ship

Brooklyn Daily Times

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Several Are Believed to Have Sunk With Ship
According to the latest reports from the White Star officials there were Brooklyn and Long Island people among those who were lost when the ill fated Titanic sank.

The dead are:

NATSCH, Charles, 502 E. Seventh street.
SMITH, James Clinch, Smithtown, L. I.
VAN DERHOEF, Wycoff, 109 Joralemon street.

Among those who are reported rescued from the big liner are:

APPLETON, Mrs. Edward W., of Bayside, L. I.
BEHR, Karl, the noted tennis player.
CORNELL, Mrs. R. C., of Bayside, L. I.
HARDER, Mr. and Mrs. George A.
SNYDER, Mr. and Mrs. John J., 346 East Eighteenth street.
SWIFT, Mrs. Joel, 171 Arlington avenue.

Pathetic scenes marked the reception of the tragic news in the homes of these people in Brooklyn. Even in the families of those who are reported saved the doubt that the news may prove but a report to hide more ghastly tidings has caused much distress.

[Note: The Snyders mentioned in this article appear not to be the Snyders who were on Titanic.]


Mark Baber, USA

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Brooklynites are Lost as Titanic Sinks (Brooklyn Daily Times, Tuesday 16th April 1912, ref: #4211, published 17 November 2004, generated 31st January 2025 05:20:16 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/brooklynites-are-lost-as-titanic-sinks.html