Encyclopedia Titanica

C. H. Lightoller and Richmond Slipways

Richmond Today

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At the end of the war an elderly mariner, who had rescued 130 troops from Dunkirk, moved to East Twickenham and set up a boatyard at 1 Ducks Walk, opposite the site of the old Tudor palace. Richmond Slipways as it was called, mostly repaired police boats - a sedate life for Commander Charles Lightoller, a man whose career was crammed with adventure. He had gone to sea at 13, survived four shipwrecks, been marooned on a desert island, mined gold in the Klondike, rammed and sunk a German U-boat with his destroyer in the first world war and been active in the second. The Commander passed away peacefully in his boatyard just before Christmas 1952.

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Richmond, Surrey, England


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  1. Belinda (2637) Belinda (2637)
    In 1968 I lived at Richmond Slipway, I was 6 years old. My mum was employed to look after the old Mrs Lightollert who by then was quite frail. Mrs Rose and Colonel Lighteroller with their two daughters where people I saw from time to time, but I only remember meeting Miranda briefly in the summer when she returned from school.While I was there the Old Mrs Lightoller told me about her husband Lieutenant Lightoller who was on the Titanic and how he survived all the way to shore but died of pneumonia on arrival. I remember thinking how sad it was to loose some you loved and missed so much.I returned when I was pregnant with my daughter in 1987 but the place had become terribly run down and Mrs Rose had taken a place in London.By the time my daughter was 6 the place had been boarded up. Sometime later the house and workshops were replaced with a modern home and the once thriving business slipped into the past.
  2. Will (4786) Will (4786)
    Why do you think she said her husband died in 1912. when he lived until '52, do you think? An old woman's confusion, perhaps? Her son Roger was also a lieutenant, was he not? He passed in 1945 whilst on a raid and was also a seaman. Perhaps it all got very confusing for her at the end?
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Encyclopedia Titanica (2011) C. H. Lightoller and Richmond Slipways (Richmond Today, , ref: #12565, published 5 May 2011, generated 30th June 2024 09:54:40 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/c-h-lightoller-and-richmond-slipways-12565.html