Encyclopedia Titanica

Eleanor Hiss

Carpathia First Cabin Passenger

Eleanor Hiss
Eleanor Hiss

Eleanor Hiss, née Ludlow, was born in New York City on 5 April 1872. She was the daughter of Dr James Meeker Ludlow, a clergyman originally from New Jersey, and the former Emma J. Orr, the New York-born daughter of Scottish migrants. She had at least five siblings.

Raised mainly in Brooklyn, Miss Ludlow was married in East Orange, New Jersey on 8 October 1898 to William Jacob Hiss, an electrical engineer and later the general manager of the western division of the New York Telephone Company. A son named James was born in 1901, followed by their daughter Eleanor in 1910. The family lived in Manhattan, later Brooklyn and by 1912 in Buffalo at 189 North Street. 

In April 1912 Mrs Hiss and her husband were going on a vacation to Italy and Austria and boarded the Carpathia as first cabin passengers; their children did not accompany them.

After the survivors were landed at New York, Mr and Mrs Hiss continued on their journey aboard the Carpathia to the Mediterranean.

In later years Mrs Hiss lived with her family in Manhattan and finally in East Orange, New Jersey where she passed away on 5 June 1948. She was buried with her husband, who predeceased her, in Baltimore’s Green Mount Cemetery.

Research Articles

Günter Bäbler Titanica! (2019) Carpathia Passenger List

Newspaper Articles

New York Times (19 April 1912) RMS Carpathia: First Class Passenger List including place of living or booking
The Buffalo Enquirer (19 April 1912) Told By Hiss of Buffalo
The Buffalo Commercial (20 April 1912) Buffalonians to Continue Cruise

Documents and Certificates

RMS Carpathia: First Class Passenger List printed on board

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Carpathia Passenger Summary

Name: Mrs Eleanor Hiss (née Ludlow)
Born: Friday 5th April 1872 in New York City, New York, United States
Age: 40 years and 10 days (Female)
Nationality: American
Marital Status: Married to William Jacob Hiss
Ship: Carpathia
1st Class Passengers
Died: Saturday 5th June 1948 in East Orange, New Jersey, United States aged 76 years
Buried: Green Mount Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland, United States

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