Encyclopedia Titanica

Charleroi Man Loses Family

John Panula Had Home Ready for Wife and Children

The Daily Notes

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With a new home furnished ready to receive his family, John Panula, a well-to-do Finlander of Coal Center, Sunday received news that in all probability his wife, five sons and one daughter have gone down with the Titanic.

John Panula Had Home Ready for Wife and Children

Charleroi, April 22. -

With a new home furnished ready to receive his family, John Panula, a well-to-do Finlander of Coal Center, Sunday received news that in all probability his wife, five sons and one daughter have gone down with the Titanic. Panula left his family two months ago in Finland to come here to prepare a home. He was expecting them to arrive this week. He is almost heartbroken.

Last night he telegraph to the White Star Line's office at New York City and the answer received today is to the effect that so far as known the whole family had gone down with the Titanic.

Panula and his family lived in or about Coal Center for about eight years. Two years ago they went to Finland. Panula had a large farm there and owned other property.

Two months ago he started for his home in this country, leaving his wife and children to follow just as soon as he could prepare for them. Previous to leaving he sold his farm, it is said, for $6,000. With that he expected to provide himself and family a good living in this land while continuing his occupation as a coal miner.'' -

The Daily Notes, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, 22 April 1912, p. 1


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2018) Charleroi Man Loses Family (The Daily Notes, Monday 22nd April 1912, ref: #20255, published 11 February 2018, generated 1st July 2024 08:28:16 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/charleroi-man-loses-family.html