Encyclopedia Titanica

Charles Alexander Fortune

First Class Passenger

Charles Alexander Fortune
Charles Alexander Fortune

Mr Charles Alexander Fortune, 19, was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, 13 October 1892, the only son of Mark and Mary Fortune. He had just graduated the year before from Bishop's College in Lennoxville, Quebec with citations of academic and athletic excellence. He was about to enroll in McGill University when he returned from a Grand Tour of Europe on the Titanic.

He boarded at Southampton as a first class passenger. He travelled with his parents and three sisters, Ethel Flora, Alice Elizabeth, and Mabel. They occupied cabins C-23-25-27.

Charles and his father lost their lives in the sinking, their bodies were never recovered.

References and Sources

Alan Hustak (1999) Titanic: The Canadian Story. Vehicule Press, ISBN-1-55065-113-7

Newspaper Articles

Manitoba Free Press (20 April 1912) Fortune Family Parted in Boat in Good Cheer
Women Had No Idea of Serious Condition of the Titanic
New York Times (20 April 1912) WOMEN REVEALED AS HEROINES BY WRECK (2)
Washington Times (22 April 1912) DRESSED IN SKIRTS MAN LEFT TITANIC


Winnipeg Tribune (1912) Charles Fortune

Graves and Memorials

Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Charles Alexander Fortune
Age: 19 years 6 months and 2 days (Male)
Nationality: Canadian
Last Residence: in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 19950, £263
Cabin No. C23/25/27
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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