Encyclopedia Titanica

Chicagoan's Kin Titanic Steward

Chicago Daily News

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A brother of William J. Stroud, 217 East 31st street, was a steward on the ill fated Titanic. Today Mrs. Stroud, sobbing tearfully, begged for news of her brother-in-law, Harry Stroud, of Southampton, England.

“If Harry is dead,” she said, “it will kill my husband’s invalid mother, waiting at home in Southampton for news of her boy. Her husband was carried to the bottom of the ocean many years ago. If she has lost her boy she will die. She cannot stand the shock.

“Harry was one of the stewards of the Titanic,” Mrs. Stroud said. “My sister was to meet him in New York and they were to celebrate the first trip of the great boat by a little dinner together. She was to meet Harry on the dock. Oh, is there no hope that he may be alive? The suspense is awful. I have telegraphed to New York and have had no world of Harry. His name is in none of the lists.”

None of the lists sent by wireless contain the name of Harry Stroud. He is 38 years old, according to his sister-in-law.

Chicago Daily News, Thursday, April 18, 1912, p. 3, c. 5:

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2009) Chicagoan's Kin Titanic Steward (Chicago Daily News, Thursday 18th April 1912, ref: #10087, published 25 May 2009, generated 3rd July 2024 10:51:23 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/chicagoans-kin-titanic-steward.html