
  1. P

    Women to A deck

    Well, here's another poser from Lawrence Beesley, which I would appreciate any help I can get with...to...find... Anybody know this?! "The men fell back and the women retired below to get into the boats from the next deck. Two women refused to leave their husbands at first, but partly by...
  2. T

    Curious trainangular devices along A deck

    Along A deck there seemed to be a series of odd triangular instruments-they look as if they would be used to facilitate the filling of the ship with coal, or perhaps a platform rested upon these devises when the promenade was enclosed. It looks like they can swing out. First off, what are they...
  3. M

    A deck B deck

    In the book "The Last Days Of The Titanic" on page 59,it shows a portion of what is identified as A Deck,facing aft. It says that this picture was taken right at the point where the enclosed section of the deck gives way to open promenade. Am I Wrong? Wasn't this deck open for the whole length...
  4. M

    The Elderly Couple Photo On Aft A Deck

    I was wondering who the elderly couple standing at the aft end of A-Deck Promenade. I think that it may be the Strausses, but I am not sure. It could be someone else. Please help. Mike Shetina
  5. A

    A deck promenade pics

    Hi, I was looking for a picture of the A deck 1st class promenade near the cabins, not near lounge, smoke room etc. but I can't find it. If anyone has this pic, please send me to: [email protected]
  6. R

    George Rheims on A deck

    Hello there, On page 140 of "Titanic triumph and tragedy" the following sentences are mentioned: "George Rheims a Titanic passenger, steps out of an A deck bathroom, forward, and looks aft as the berg slides by." Mr Rheims had just been in one of the gents bathrooms on A deck, when the...
  7. G

    Verandah and Palm Court

    Smoking Lounge & Verandah/Palm Questions I've always wondered where drinks and/or food came from for passengers in the First Class Smoking Lounge and the Palm Courts. There is a spiral staircase hidden in the Smoking Lounge area that goes down to the kitchen. Did the crew have to go down a...