a night to remember (1958 film)

  1. D

    A Night to Remember (1958)

    There's many of you here who I hope have much to say about this, my favourite Titanic film. For now, in case any of you ave missed it, the film has been restored and re-issued. It is playing at several venues in Britain and across the world. This link gives a guide to where it can be seen on...
  2. A

    Nazi Titanic

    A documentary on Chanel Four last night asserted that footage from the Nazi propaganda movie 'Titanic' was later recycled in A Night to Remember. I wasn't aware of this. Any thoughts?
  3. D

    Question about A Night to Remember

    I'm trying to determine when the 1958 feature film "A Night to Remember" was first broadcast on either CBS or CBC. More specifically, was it broadcast in 1965 or 1966? My questions relate to research I'm doing about a story that takes place in that era; viewing of the Titanic film on...
  4. E

    Offensive portrayal of the Strauses

    Anyone else finds it annoying that this otherwise excellent film portrayed Mr. and Mrs. Straus so Semitic, with big noses and thick Yiddish accents? I was half-expecting them to break out into "Sunrise, Sunset." So unnecessary. They were affluent New Yorkers who happened to be Jewish, why the...
  5. J

    A Night To Remember Remake Screenplay NEED HELP

    Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum but I have been a Titanic fan ever since I was 6. I have recently come up with an idea of writing a screenplay for a remake of A Night to Remember (1958), the film was interesting to watch but had many historical innacuraccies, like christening the Titanic...
  6. A

    The Woman In The Boat With Molly Brown holding the Baby

    During the film there is a woman holding a baby in a blanket, she doesn't speak but can be clearly seen boarding the boat, and in various clips, especially the final plunge. Could this woman be a subtle nod the Alice Cleaver and baby Trevor? I know they didn't escape in the same boat, but just a...
  7. J

    A Night to Remember director Roy Ward Baker dies

    Roy Ward Baker, a British film director who brought an understated precision to his craft and whose credits included the thriller "Don't Bother to Knock" starring Marilyn Monroe as a deranged babysitter and the celebrated Titanic melodrama "A Night to Remember," died Oct. 5 at a hospital in...
  8. Encyclopedia Titanica

    William MacQuitty, Boxhall and Pitman at the Premiere of A Night to Remember

  9. Jamie Sutherland

    This piece of music

    I am being killed trying to recall the name of a certain piece of music. There is a scene where it is played in A Night to Remember. It is the scene in the boat with Molly Brown's "plenty of fat" line, a slow waltz tune please tell me :D
  10. Z


    Does anyone know if "A Night to Remember" is going to be colorized, or if it already is?
  11. Z

    Reedited to show breakup

    Do you guys think that "A Night to Remember" should be re-edited to show the Titanic breaking in two?
  12. H

    Sean Connery

    can any one help iam trying to find photos or information on sean connery and his part in the film a night to remmember
  13. H

    Crew hat from A Night to Remember

    i have a crew cap from the film a night to remember will swop or sell for 1997 titanic film props [Moderator's note: This post, originally posted in an unrelated thread has been moved to this created one. JDT]
  14. E

    I don't know why but I just LOVE this moment

    This has got to be the only Titanic film that accurately shows Margaret Brown in bed in her cabin at the time of the collision instead of that awful clichéd stereotype of having her gamble the night away in the smoking room; cursing and smoking like a drunken sailor. ....This film has so...
  15. Arun Vajpey

    Actors appearing in more than one Titanic film

    I know only of David Warner who appeared in SOS Titanic as Lawrence Beesley and as the fictitious Spicer Lovejoy in Cameron's Titanic. Is there any other instance of an actor or actress appearing in more than one titanic film, even in minor roles?
  16. J

    ANTR-Titanic 97 Hybrid

    Thought you all might like to see these links. I'm sure some will keel over seeing ANTR re-edited. But I think it's pretty well-done, especially the intercutting in the final moments video. iceberg: final moments: youtube:1LLi7lkHSJ4
  17. J

    Breakup hinted at

    I wonder if the filmmakers were hinting at the breakup with the collapsing of the rooms during the final plunge. Any opinions?
  18. J

    Sir and Lady Richard

    Were these characters based on anyone in particular? I've always found Lady Richard to be rather icky.
  19. J

    Woman hanging between life boat and ship

    When the woman trips and is hanging between the life boat and the ship...true incident? Or added for drama? Any details on this?
  20. M

    Pat O'Keefe in this movie

    Hey all, Just watched the film last night and LOVED it. Very engrossing and classy and glad I got the Criterion DVD. Anyways, to the point: During one of the Collapsible B scenes, I remember one of the guys on it addressing a "Pat" also on board. Is this supposed to be the famed Patrick...