
  1. T

    The Front Anchor

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone knew how exactly the front anchor worked. I know it was stored on deck. But how would it be put into use? Did the crane towards the very front lift the anchor into position? And when was it used? Thanks for any help, I was just curious. -Trent
  2. S

    Anchor weight

    Hello all, been gone a while and need some definite opinion or solid fact (granted the latter is rare when it comes to Titanic) concerning the weight of the anchors. I had thought that the forwards weighed between 7-9 tons whereas the centre weighed in at 17.5 tons. Recently I heard a...
  3. T

    How could the kedge anchor the poop deck anchor ever be utilized

    Titanic had a small anchor sitting on her poop deck, but not within sight of any anchor chain. In case this anchor was ever used- what would it have been attached to? Was it really fuctional, or was it one of those things Olympic and Titanic had simply to fullfill some requirement? I wonder if...
  4. K

    Center anchor

    Hi, can someone please explain to me how the center anchor was lowered? In looking at the ship, I would assume they'd have to use that front crane, but that's my assumption, which has surely been wrong before Thanks Kathy
  5. M

    Bow Anchor Removal

    So, RMS Titanic Inc. are seeking permission to not only remove items from inside the bow section, (Come on, we all knew it was coming)but to also recover one of the ship's anchors. If this is allowed to happen, I think it truly will be the begining of the end for the wreck-open season to pick at...
  6. R

    Restraint shackles on forward anchor chains

    Hi all, Just wondering if any one can help here, If any one has got a copy of Leo Mariots 'Titanic, There is a photo on page 39 (bottom right) of Olympics Forcastle clearly showing the anchor chains and the smaller restraining chains, behind these there is a loop on the chain guide, was this a...
  7. Y

    Did Iceberg cause starboard anchor to drop

    Was the anchor on the starboard side torn loose by the impact with the iceberg; only to be raised and stored again afterward? Is such a thing even possible? Isn't there testimony from passengers and crew that describe the collision as sounding like chains being drug over the hull? Yuri