
  1. Dave Gittins

    Sobering Thoughts on the Anniversary

    I think the following passage from Joseph Conrad's The Mirror of the Sea should be remembered by all. Unlike so many of the trivial things that people agonise over these days, going to sea is a serious business, with real consequences. FROM THE MIRROR OF THE SEA. "The sea — this truth...
  2. A

    With the anniversary of the sinking coming up

    I think this should go here? I wasn't sure where else to put it. In any case, the anniversery of the sinking is coming up... umm. Yeah. My friends and I are very strange. We've made a "Titanic Day," basically, to remember it. Well, not so much to remember it, as to give us an excuse to...
  3. P

    ET 10th anniversary gettogether

    How many people would be interested in a 10th anniversary get together? Any ideas on venues? Cheers Paul
  4. P

    The 20th Anniversary

    As you all know, September 1st next year marks the 20th anniversary of the discovery of the wreck. Is anyone doing anything to mark the event? Paul
  5. M

    General Slocum100th Anniversary NYC News Coverage

    WCBS Radio. The New York Times. Newsday:,0,7346922.story?coll=ny-viewpoints-headlines. East Village News, repeating an article from The New York Times last Tuesday. New York Daily News.
  6. Kyrila Scully

    Orlando's TSOD Annual Anniversary Memorial

    Got this message from one of the cast members at The Titanic Ship of Dreams in Orlando. "I just received this last night. The Orlando Titanic Exhibition is hosting a 92nd anniversary special memorial on April 14 (it's the week of the 5th anniversary of being open as well). Time are from...
  7. T

    General Slocum 100th Anniversary

    Hello All, I was just curious as to whether or not anyone was planning on attending the the events in New York City to mark 100th Anniversary of the General Slocum Disaster. The memorial events are falling on June 12 and 13 2004. Here is some more information...
  8. Kyrila Scully

    Anniversary Events at MOSI in Tampa

    I have been invited to participate in the events commemorating Titanic's maiden voyage at the RMS Titanic, Inc. exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI) in Tampa, FL from April 15-18. There will be different events each day, including an eleven course First Class dinner. Helen...
  9. D

    How many survivors died on the anniversary of the sinking?

    I have have noticed that several survivors later died on the anniversary of the sinking. (The only one I can recall offhand is Selma Asplund, the mother of one of the three living survivors and the only one in the US, who died on the 51st anniversary.) The phenomenon of people delaying death...
  10. T

    9th anniversary of estonia

    Today is the ninth anniversary of the sinking of the estonia and the lost of 852 lives. Let's take a moment to remember the victims who lost their lives. And hope the real cause is revealed.
  11. I

    Andrea Doria anniversary

    Today marks the anniversary of the sinking of the Italian liner Andrea Doria off New England in 1956. 51 people were killed in the collision with the Stockholm.
  12. D

    Important 100 Year Anniversaries

    2012 is still quite a bit away for the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. However, that had me thinking of other closer 100 year anniversaries of events. Here in North Carolina, December of this year will mark the 100th anniversary of the first flight by the Wright Brothers...
  13. G


    The 50th anniversary of the Princess Victoria ferry disaster has just passed. She went down in the Irish sea during a storm in which she should never have set sail. 177 passengers and crew were lost and only 44 survivors (All male adults) were saved. There was a memorial service to remember...
  14. N

    50th Anniversary of Charles Lightoller's Passing

    Just thought I'd remind people that it was fifty years ago this Sunday that Charles Lightoller died. I don't know if anyone is doing anything to observe it but I thought it worth noting.
  15. M

    8th year anniversary 28th september

    The 28th september it was 8 years since Estonia sank. This is the most famous ship disaster in modern time with 852 people dead. How could something like this happen in modern time? After 8 years we have heard so many theories. I searched on google and found a good website in english. Try...
  16. A

    Kursk Anniversary

    Today marks the second anniversary when the Russian Nuclear Sub Kursk exploded and plunged to the bottom of the sea. Please take a moment today to rememebr the 118 brave men who went down with her.
  17. I

    Mefkure disaster anniversary

    5th August 1944. The Mefkure, a Turkish motor-schooner, was travelling from Constantsa, Romania to Istanbul in a convoy of 3 ships carrying over 1000 mainly refugee Jews from Romania, Poland and Hungary. Flying the Turkish flag but no navigation lights, she was hit by a torpedo from an...
  18. I

    USS Jarvis anniversary

    9th August 1942. American destroyer USS Jarvis was hit by an aerial torpedo while escorting troop transports during the Guadalcanal landings. She was damaged, underwent emergency repairs and set sail for Brisbane, Australia at 8 knots. She became a sitting duck and was hit again near Cape...
  19. I

    Mohamed Ali elKabir anniversary

    Today is the anniversary of the sinking of the Egyptian ship Mohamed Ali el-Kabir off Ireland on 7th August 1940. She was requisitioned by the British Government and converted to a troop transporter, 7289 tons. She left Avonmouth near Bristol on a journey to Gibraltar carrying 895 navy and...
  20. I

    USS Forrestal anniversary

    Today is the 35th anniversary of the USS Forrestal disaster. 134 servicemen were killed when fire swept through the ship in the Gulf of Tonkin.