
  1. T

    Empress Of Australia

    Anyone here know any interesting details about the life of the Empress of Australia? Regards Tarn Stephanos
  2. D

    Titanic Restaurant in Australia

    Has anyone here heard of or been to a Titanic restaurant in Australia? Near Melborne I think. I've heard of one, but I don't know where it is. Titanic - guru
  3. Damon Hill

    GOTA DVD release in Australia

    Does anyone have any info on when or if GOTA will be released on DVD here in Australia? Thanks.
  4. H

    Anyone in Perth Australia

    Hi all, I will be going to Perth at the end of the month for studies and was wondering if there are any ET members from Perth here. I also was wondering if there was any good Ocean Liner related stuff over there. I know Frementale's Maritime Musuem is quite interesting. Contact me by...
  5. A

    Ghosts of the Abyss in Australia

    Hey guys, Just letting all you Aussies know that Ghosts of the Abyss will be showing at regular times beginning September. September 4th is the exact date to my understanding, and it will be shown in Melbourne and Sydney only. For any more info, check out If anyone from the...
  6. J

    Titanic fans in townsvillequeensland australia

    greetings to all, interested in a chat with any north queenslanders, who share my interest in titanic. i am in the army and am 29 years old i have been facinated with titanic since i was 11.5 years old in mid 1983.cheers.
  7. M

    Titanic Australia

    Hey all. I live in Australia and i was wondering what are the significant connections between Australia and the Titanic? Also did the rms Olympic visit Australia, as i think the Maurtania or Auqitania did? Thanks for your time. Mike Napier.