boiler rooms

  1. S

    Final Hours in the Engine Rooms/Boiler Rooms

    Hi all! First post, so bear with me. I'm doing a research project (one of many) and I am aware that there really isn't much that is known for a fact about the final moments of the Engineering crew, on the basis that not a single engineer survived. I want to know if anyone had speculations...
  2. M

    Access to post officecargo holds from boiler rooms

    Were there any passages linking Boiler Rm #6 to the post office and/or cargo holds (motor car hold, baggage etc..)or was the fireman's passage the only means of entry into those forward-most compartments? Thanks.
  3. R

    Lights in the boiler rooms inconsistent testimony

    Hello there. Having read through a number of threads I was intrigued by David Brown's claims that Barrett’s testimony may be confused/wrong. I have read through the four men who were down in the boiler rooms (Cavell, Hendrickson, Barrett and Beauchamp) and am inclined to agree that there is...
  4. C

    Boiler rooms during sinking

    I have read several articles and books(also some simulations), but none have mentioned except a book, mentioning that the boiler room #4 imploded at 2. Was the process so chaotic that no observations were made?
  5. J

    Swimming pool and boiler rooms

    I suppose somebody has already done this question, but is it true that the swimming pool was emptied during the sinking? I think you'll help me people. Regards, João
  6. D

    Bunker Number 10 Boiler Room 6

  7. K

    Boiler room

    When jack and rose go down to the boiler room which staircase do they use?? Kristjan peterson
  8. P

    Escape ladders in boiler rooms

    I would have posted this in the Engine room thread, but its locked Can anyone please enlighten me as to the location of the escape ladders in the boiler rooms? Where there two, one for each stokehold? Were the positioned port and/or starboard? Cheers Paul
  9. J

    Aft Boiler Rooms

    Hi Folks, Shortly after the collision the forward boiler rooms would be filling with water (although there seems to be a bit of a discrepancy with the exact time BR#6 was filling with water.) I was wondering what was going on in the boiler rooms aft of say BR#5. Did the stokers there stay...
  10. P

    Would the ship have survived longer if the boiler rooms had been capped off

    Dear everyone, This is something that goes back to a thread on this board before Christmas; namely, were there any sealable doors at the top of the escape ladders from the boiler rooms? From the discussion and emails I got, it seemed that there were no doors, and the ladders led out to...
  11. P

    Watertight doors in the boiler rooms

    Hi all, Just had a thought, and maybe someone with more knowledge would care to comment on this: as we all know, the watertight doors in the bowels of the ship were closed by Murdoch before the collision. Some of the after most compartments were opened some time later to allow easy...
  12. P

    Did they seal the boiler rooms

    A strange question this, as I couldn't decide whether it should go in the construction forum or this one. Anyway, I digress.... How did the crews enter the boiler rooms? Were there ladders down into the rooms, or did they enter via the fireman's spiral ladder in the bow? I recall one person...
  13. C

    Job profiles for the engine and boiler rooms

    I am rather sorry to say that I remain somewhat confused on the chain of command below decks. All I'm sure of is (1) Chief Engineer Bell was in overall charge of everything, and (2) The leading firemen, like Fredrick Barrett, were foremen whose job it was to keep the stokers and trimmers on...
  14. Paul Rogers


    Whilst reading through Dave Bryceson's book "The Titanic Disaster" which lists newspaper reports in the British National press in 1912, I came across some strange reports... I realise that most newspaper reports at that time could, and should, be taken with a pinch of salt, but I wondered what...
  15. A

    Engine and boiler rooms interiors

    Hi, do you know the colours of the floors and walls of engine and boiler rooms? Are there any pictures of these interiors? Where were situated the "emergency ladders" of the boiler rooms? Thanks Ale
  16. C

    Boiler Room Damage & Flooding Testimony

    Introduction This is a spin-off of the thread in the Collision / Sinking Theories Topic message titled Abandoning Ship, which started out as sort of a damage control discussion, but has morphed into a discussion of damage and flooding (my fault). Since my post was getting pretty big, I...