
  1. A

    Answered What does the bridge telemotor do?

    What is the purpose of the bridge telemotor?
  2. Heather Lee

    Were passengers allowed on docking bridge?

    I thought I had seen pictures of passengers up on the docking bridge and I wondered if it was an area that passengers were free to roam, or was it strictly for crew? I also wondered what sort of officers would be wandering around, keeping an eye on things/passenger behavior? I know a...
  3. CollinSearls

    Wheelhouse Wing Staircase

    Anyone know if there's a good picture (doesn't have to be a photo) anywhere of what the staircases on either side of the bridge that go down to the Promenade Deck looked like?
  4. A

    How Many Times Did the Lookouts Warn the Bridge?

    Do you believe the lookouts spotted more than one iceberg before the collision? I noticed that several survivors had witnessed icebergs before the collision, and that the officers on the Carpathia could see about half a dozen icebergs about 2 miles away during the night. At daybreak the...
  5. A

    Warning the Bridge - The Boy Who Cried Wolf

    The stars were shining very bright on the horizon, so bright that other ships were mistaking the stars for ships' lights. e.g. SS Californian - Captain Lord: "I was sometimes mistaking the stars low down on the horizon for steamer’s lights." SS Parisian - Wireless operator Sutherland: "The...
  6. Justin Litke

    Titanic bridge documentary

    Does anyone remember a Titanic documentary where they simulated the weather conditions on the night of the collision to give an idea of just how hard it was to see the iceberg done by a modern day bridge simulator? I first saw it during the 100 Anniversary coverage.
  7. A

    Did Boxhall and Olliver Enter the Bridge Together?

    Both men approached the bridge when they heard the bell in the crows nest and felt the collision just before they got there. Does anyone know who got there first? I understand Boxhall and quartermaster Olliver both arrived in time to see Murdoch close the watertight doors immediately after the...
  8. A

    Why did Hichens ask - "Who was on the bridge?"

    Quartermaster Hichens was on duty when he was given the order to turn the helm by Murdoch and Moody just before the collision took place, yet he apparently did not know which officers were on duty at the time and was heard calling out to the other lifeboats and asking the occupants if they knew...
  9. Alex Clark

    Cubby things under bridge wings.

    Does anyone know what the cubicle like things at the ends of the bridge wings are? They are underneath as if they are actually holding up the bridge wings.
  10. N

    Watertight Door Indicator / Activation Switch

    Can anyone say with absolute certainty where the switch to close the watertight doors was located? I have found a number of sources that say it was in the wheelhouse. Others indicate that the switch was on the bridge. For example, Hitchens states in the British hearing that Murdoch...
  11. S

    Smith let passengers on the bridge

    In the 1996 TV movie Titanic, Capt. Smith lets a female passenger on the bridge and even lets her steer the boat for a few minutes and play with the knobs, etc. She was a hot chick though, so maybe that had something to do w/ it? Another little known fact is that Isador Strauss, who owned...
  12. K

    1:144 Titanic bridge mockup

    Hi Everyone,I'm new here on the forum. This is my first time making anything from scratch out of styrene and while it's not perfect it is a first try made from my own drawings and measurements. while I am using other's plan I am using them as a basis for my model. I then experimented with the...
  13. M

    Olympics's Docking Bridge

    I was just wondering if the extended teak planks on the Olympic's docking bridge had safety railing around them and if the docking bridge railing was removable so that people could get to the teak planks.
  14. Encyclopedia Titanica

    On Titanic's Bridge
  15. T

    Queen Mary's twin helm wheels seen on her bridge

    I was wondering if someone could please tell me what the functions for, when it comes to Queen Mary's twin helm wheels that can be seen on her bridge? TY
  16. A

    Crow's nest to the bridge

    I had look things up on the net and came across some information pior about the phone call that James Moody took from the crowsnest. This may have made the impact alot less therefore Tianic may have survived this whole disarter. All this happend before the officer's even taken any...
  17. M

    Bridge Layout Diagram Question

    As some know I have been working on deck plans in paint by adding detail (some will remember the Reciprocating Engine room detail I added in another forum post). I have been working on the boat deck now and I need to know if I am correct with the room marked A is the chart room and the room...
  18. C

    Trap door of calle front bridge and Brackets for the life rafts and the teak slats of the bridge of

    Hi Everybody, Or I owe possitioned on my plan, the brackets of the hatchway? Because I do not know the which with dimensions one not placed? I item four small part of picture and let me know if small the plan that I post and good as that I would carry out it identical to the plan...
  19. D

    Captain Smith on the Bridge of the Titanic

    does anybody know what are the medals for that capt smith wears on his tunic please email me my name is David Buckley my e mail address is i am to play capt Smith in a musical production of titanic in March
  20. M

    Object Outside The Bridge

    Hi All, I've often wondered what the tall, and quite large pole type object that stand's just outside the bridge is? You can see one in Ken's painting of first officer Murdoch running into the Wheel house after spotting the Ice burg. Could anybody shed any light on what it is? Regards...