bruce ismay

  1. M

    News summary from 1896-97: James and Lady Margaret Ismay travel round-the-world

    19 December 1896: P&O's China leaves London for Sydney. Among her passengers, beginning a round-the-world trip, are James H. Ismay, a partner in Ismay, Imrie & Co., his wife Lady Margaret Ismay, their daughter and a maid. (Sources: The Times (London), 21 December 1896; The Sydney Morning...
  2. Encyclopedia Titanica

    JOSEPH BRUCE ISMAY : Chairman and Managing Director of the White Star Line
  3. Encyclopedia Titanica

  4. M

    News summary from 1880: Ismays travel around the world

    13 March 1880: Oceanic I (Capt. J. Metcalfe) leaves Liverpool for Hong Kong via the Suez Canal, to return to the White Star/Occidental & Oriental service in the Pacific after refitting by Harland & Wolff; among her passengers are Thomas and Margaret Ismay, their son James, a maid and about...
  5. Encyclopedia Titanica

  6. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Joseph Bruce Ismay
  7. M

    News from 1913: The end of Ismay Imrie and Co

    MAB Note: The 16 June article mentioned in the last paragraph of this article appears here. The Times, 30 June 1913 THE WHITE STAR LINE --- THE RETIREMENT OF ISMAY, IMRIE, AND CO. --- To-day there is withdrawn from the business world, or to be more precise from the shipping world...
  8. V

    Bruce Ismay's anklet

    Hello, I have noticed that Jonathan Hyde, playing Bruce Ismay, wears a chain on his right ankle. You can see it in the scene, where he is walking through the first class corridor, when the camera shows his burgundy velvet slippers, and then go up to his face. If you look very carefully, you...
  9. A

    Interesting item up for auction concerning Ismay and ship Samson

    Any thoughts, Titanic remarkable letter on a commemorative Titanic postcard dated Sunday June 3rd 1912 to 'Dear Ismay' : 'ref our conversation I now have statements from the crewmembers of the '(?)Samson' who saw the T's lights but could not help as she had illegal ?seals on board. The crew...
  10. P

    The Ismays in the 1930s

    A bit of a favour. My serialised copy of "The Ismay Line" by Oldham is still in packing, so I would be grateful if anyone could answer the following: Was JB Ismay still involved in the shipping industry, in whatever capacity c.1930? Does anyone recall the initials of Ismay's relatives...
  11. B

    1st Baron Hastings Ismay

    Can anyone advise me as to whether or not Hastings Ismay, who became the 1st Secretary General of NATO, was related to the Ismay family who were connected to the White Star Line?
  12. A

    Bruce Ismay

    "Who is Freud? A passenger?" Hahaha how it must have been a blow even more to see her sink. just a little immaturity, but no disrespect to the victims.
  13. H

    Ismay's role in the ship's navigation

    For the first time i started looking into the Titanic Inquiry website. Let me first of all say that I think the website was excellent, however one thing puzzled me about Bruce Ismay's questioning. Look at the following: Senator SMITH. Did you have occasion to consult with the captain about...
  14. L

    Bruce ismay

    does any blame bruce ismay for getting of titanic when she was sinking
  15. K

    JB Ismay

    Hi everyone can you tell me what happened to Ismay after the collision and when did he die? Thank you Kristjan peterson
  16. M

    Letter written to Bruce Ismay

    I am having trouble signing on i am trying to post a letter written by lucile carter may 14 to mr ismay
  17. M

    Ismay and the speed of the Titanic

    Bruce Ismay has been accused of effecting the running of the the Titanic, both the speed and the navigation. I have a question , given the known position and the speeds and conditions prior to sinking and the expected time of arrival, was the Titanic travelling faster than would have been...
  18. V

    Ismay's and Smith's conversation

    What was the name of a woman that heard the conversation about speed and arrive to New York between Ismay and Smith?
  19. M

    Bruce Ismay & Captain Smith

    Hi everyone! I was just wondering if anyone knows what Bruce Ismay said to Capt. Smith when they last spoke. I don't know if anyone ever asked him afterwards what words they had before Ismay got in a lifeboat
  20. M

    News from 1892: James Ismay Marries Lady Margaret Alice Seymour

    The New-York Times, 11 November 1892 MR. ISMAY'S TITLED BRIDE --- LADY MARGARET ALICE, DAUGHTER OF THE MARQUIS OF HERTFORD --- LONDON, Nov. 10---The marriage took place to-day of Mr. James Ismay, the well-known shipowner, and Lady Margaret Alice, eldest daughter of the Marquis of...