
  1. Jonathan Granato

    Bathing In Parlour Suites

    As has been discussed, those without private bathing facilities made reservations to bathe. If one occupied a parlour suite w/ensuite facilities, how did one go about bathing? The same way? Making a reservation w/a bedroom steward(ess)?
  2. A

    Decoration of BDeck First Cabins

    I'm referring to the cabins in the smaller section forward of the Grand Staircase. Does anyone know if a photo exists? Or if anyone can offer an idea. Thanks, Adam
  3. V

    Jack's cabin G60

    I tried to find Jack's cabin number 60 on G-Deck, but I can not find it. AM I blind or is the movie wrong?
  4. V

    ADeck cabins

    I know that the cabins on A-devk were small, equiped with bad, table with mirror iron bed, heater and cupboard. In which style where they designed. Was it Adams style?
  5. M

    Number cabin of Kink family HELP

    Kink Cabin? Somebody can help me to econtrar the ní¹mber of the cabins of the Kink family. If Rum Kroepfl this reading this him envio a warm greeting and him story that ami also is very dificil to find things me of my tio tatara grandfathers James Vivin Drfew passager 2 Class. Sorry by my...
  6. R

    2nd Class Cabin Colour Schemes

    I am in the process of writing an adventure game (which is known these days as Interactive Fiction or IF) based on the Titanic, although it is not about the great ship directly. I am basing the game in the 2nd class areas of the ship with some crew areas included as necessary, such as the post...
  7. Jonathan Granato

    Why No Single Berth Cabins On QM2

    If this has been discussed before I'm culpable of reiteration. QEII has single berth staterooms in the 'Q' class, whilst QM2 has none. That means that if a passenger (or 'guest' as Cunnarn-ival refers to them) wishes to book a 'Q' class stateroom it can cost nearly 13K USD for a crossing...
  8. S

    Did Children have their own cabin

    Or in the 3th and second class, did they have their own bed, at what age? it would be crazy to have babies their own bed right?
  9. C

    Cabin Across From C90

    Hello, I'm new around here(this is my first post!) To the point, I'm writing a story about the Titanic(Historical Fiction). The main character is supposed to reside in the cabin across from the Thayer's(C-90). Does anyone know which was closest to across from it, and who actually occupied it...
  10. P

    Joughin's Cabin

    Can anyone enlighten me as to the location of Baker Jougin's cabin on E-deck? I know it was on, or at the very least near Scotland Road, but once again, the small print on the plans I have is too much (or little ) for my eyesight. I can see a room which I think might be it, near the water tight...
  11. P

    Parlour suites

    Does somebody has pictures of the parlor suites of Titanic? I read somewhere (in another thread I think) there only exist photo's of cabins B-52 and B-56, but if you've got a picture of cabin B-54, please, send me... Oh, yes... I want to find out more about the styles of the suites B-52, 54...
  12. V

    Millionaires' suites

    Can anybody send me photos of milionair`s suites B-52-54-56 and B-51-53-55? Thank you very much. Vitezslav Ivicic [email protected]
  13. P

    Cabins explored during Ghosts of the Abyss

    HI all, Does anyone know if the forward facing cabins on A and B deck were explored during the making of Ghosts of the AByss? Thanks! Paul
  14. B

    C Deck Cabin Numbers

    Hi All, I am working a deckplan and I needed the correct cabin numbers for the Titanic on C Deck, the plans I am using as a reference I believe are for the Olympic. If anyone can provide this information I would appreciate it. Best Regards, Brian
  15. L

    Cabin B1

    Does anyone know if there was a B1 an if there was do you know who was in it?
  16. P

    Peuchen and Saalfeld's cabins in the wreck

    This might be a question for Ken Marshall.... Did the Cameron 2001 expedition visit Peuchen's (C104) or Adolphe Saalfeld's (C106) cabin? They were opposite the grand staircase on C-deck so would have been accessible? Thanks Paul
  17. Hitch

    All cabins connected to each other

    As i see on the plan of B Deck,( all of the cabins are connected with doors to each other, but could you also only have one cabin, and where the two doors then lock't?
  18. Hitch

    Blueprint of a cabin

    Hi everyone. Can anyone post a blueprint of a first class cabin please. And where they all the same in luxury? I mean, did they all had a fireplace and all of that stuff. Thank you so much. -Carl
  19. Hitch

    The cabin styles

    Hey everyone. I know that for first class passengers there where different cabin styles? but can someone tell me them? And could you choose with style you want? Thanks -Carl
  20. C

    Stern Cabins

    I was wondering if anyone knows why on some greatlake frieghters, such as the Canadian Voyager, Teakglen, Mapleglen, Oakglen,and Comeaudoc, don't/didn't have cabins on the stern deck, just the funnel sitting on the deck or there is a raised area, but just around the funnel. I hope it doesnt...