
  1. R

    Restaurants aboard the Titanic

    This may sound like an obscure question, but an answer would be greatly appreciated. How many restaurants were there aboard Titanic and where (on which decks) were they located? I am aware of the a la carte restaurant (not sure where it was, though), the Verandah and the Parisian Cafe. I...
  2. L

    Dinner Party

    Im having a Titanic Dinner party hopefully before the year is over, if you live in Oregon or anywhere else in the USA you are welcome to come, just let me know, if you are interested Sincerely .Lily
  3. D

    The cuisine

    Hi, Was the food the first class passengers dined on really delicious,or doe's the fancy title's just give the impression that it was good.Thanks. Daisy
  4. K

    Last Dinner On The Titanic

    Hi, My Family and I made a recipe from this book, it was chicken Lyonnaise it was Quite delicious. We made the dish this past April on the anniversary of the sinking It was so fun to actually eat what the passengers ate that unthinkable...
  5. J

    What did the first class passengers had for dinner everynight was it as grand as the last meal was

    hi i was wondering what did the first class passengers had for dinner everynight was it as grand as the last meal thank you jennifer mueller
  6. P

    Dining rooms

    I need to know how the dining rooms looked. I need to know how the table was set, how the food was placed, and what did some of the dishes look like in each class. Could someone please tell me what they know according to this subject?
  7. D

    What was on the Titanic's final Dinner Menu

    My sister's kids are studying the Titanic and she wants to fix them the 'final' dinner. Does anyone have that info, or can you direct me to where I could find it. I have been searching so far and have found nothing. Thanks
  8. D

    3rd Class Dining Rooms

    How exactly did the Steerage passengers aboard the ship get to the Dining room? When i look over the deck plans (F-deck) on this site, I see that you come off the stairs, (in the aft. end of the ship) and then there are no corridors leading from the berths of F-deck, to the Dining room. They are...
  9. P

    Titanic luncheon menu

    I have recently come across the opportunity to purchase a Titanic Luncheon menu. Can someone please give me some pointers on how to assess the authenticity of this item. It is in a distinctive blue ink and is 7.25X9.5 inches in size. Please e-mail info to [email protected]. Any help...