
  1. G

    Further expeditions to third class

    I am new to this site so I don't know whether this topic has been addressed as yet. Has there been any expeditions to the wreck where they have been able to reach the 3rd class decks? In finding or accomplishing this were they able to determine if the gates to this class were locked upon the...
  2. E

    James Cameron new expedition

    Hi all! I just read in the german Magazine "Geo", that James Cameron just finished another expedition to the wreck of Titanic. According to GEO they went far inside the wreck and discovered many interesting new things. Is that correct? There will be a report in the next GEO about that. I'm...
  3. J

    Cameron's 200I expedition video

    Hello, I was wondering if the video of Cameron's 200I video is available in the stores. If not, will it ever be ? Cheers, Jonathan
  4. M

    Cameron's BISMARCK expedition

    A wonderful special last night, courtesy the folks at DISCOVERY CHANNEL. I enjoyed the re-creations, animated sinking scenario, and best of all the ROV footage. The interior footage surely conveyed that..."WAR is a hungry beast that devours everything in it's path". My friend also could'nt...
  5. T

    Book companion to the last Cameron expedition

    Hi Parks- You mentioned on another thread a book will come out elaborating on Ken Marshall's writeup on the Cameron exploration of Titanic, and will contain some photos. Will this book be crammed with photos from each deck, depicting glimpses from within Titanic that we've never seen? I...
  6. T

    Ocean Voyager 1998 expedition vessel apparently sank

    I recall when working the Boston Titanic exhibit, 2 1998 Titanic expedition ships tied up accross the street- The Ocean Voyager, and the Abielle Supporter. (the Abielle would bring the Big Piece to shore..) Now i hear the Ocean Voyager recently sank..anyone know the details? Very odd...
  7. J

    2002 Cameron Expedition Bismarck

    From Ew.com: Shipwreck maven James Cameron's next target: the World War II German battleship Bismarck. He's producing a Discovery Channel special for the fall with a typically modest title, ''James Cameron's Expedition Bismarck.''...
  8. E

    Ken Marschall's Titanic 2001 Expedition Report

    For those interested, Ken Marschall's report about the Cameron 2001 expedition is now on line at flash.net/~sparks12/titanic.html Enjoy! Eric Sauder
  9. E

    Cameron's 2001 Expedition

    After a couple weeks of silence from the Keldysh, which is on site above Titanic, I have some good news and bad news to report. First the bad news. Only 17 hours before their departure for St. John's, Newfoundland, word came through that, because of the necessity of expanding the number of...
  10. D

    Are There Any Current Expeditions In Progress

    Greetings One And All, My name is Dave, I'm new to ET. My question centers around any current expeditions to Titanic...I remember seeing on the news, a week or so ago, that a sample case full of perfume scents had been found. Is this from a current expedition or from a past one? If it is...
  11. J

    2000 titanic expedition report due out tomorrow

    to all members of this message board please be advised that tomorrow the rms titanic,inc will publish its report on what happened at the 2000 expidition tomorrow and it will include photos taken during the expidition and if you want read the report its www.titanic-online.com thanks for your...
  12. B

    Harris describes artifacts from latest expedition

    In a story in the Friday (9-15-00) edition of Orlando Business Journal, Michael Harris describes the artifacts retrieved during his controversial expedition this summer. http://www.bizjournals.com/orlando/stories/2000/09/11/daily25.html Bob Mervine
  13. A

    Live expedition

    Hello, Is this years expedition going to be broadcast live on the discovery channel? Like Titanic live was in 1998, thanks. Andra
  14. J

    Does rms titanicinc planning an expedition to the titanic this year

    hi i was wondering if anyone knows if rms titanic inc plan to do an titanic expedition this year if so when and what their main goal is for the expedition thanks jennifer mueller