fixtures and fittings

  1. B

    Lifeboat cables and fixtures

    Sorry, I did not know were to put this thread. I really do not understand what the lifelines were for. In Camerons' movie an officer in the boat is just holding it. It is attached to the Davit span (wire rope). But I still Do not understand what it is for... Could someone help? And...
  2. C

    Aft Grand Staircase Light Fixtures

    I understand that below the A Deck, that the light fixtures on the forward staircase were cut glass bowls rather than the beaded light fixtures on A Deck and Boat Deck. Did the same apply to the aft staircase or was it an impersonation of the forward and the cut glass bowls were located on C...
  3. M

    First Class Light Fixtures

    Hi, Does anyone know what company made the light fixtures on the the Titanic. For example the ones in the, The R/W Room The Lounge The Grand Staircase and Aft Grandstaircase The Smoking Room The Parlor Suites The Staterooms The Dinning Saloon The A La Carte Resturant The Cafe Perisian...
  4. A


    we all know the whereabouts and some of us are lucky enough to have fixtures and fittings from the Olympic and the Mauretania. How much was removed from the Aquitainia and where did it go? So little seems to come onto the market or is mentioned in books.
  5. A

    Rate of decay of fittings and fixtures

    How long would it have taken for the fixtures and fittings to start to decay? I often wonder what the wreck and it's contents would have looked like say a year after the sinking...sure the perishable stuff such as food and plant material would have gone in a few weeks but what about the...
  6. G

    Is this the original Titanic's clock

    Hi! I have found this photo on an internet site. Someone suggests that this the only photo existent about Titanic's clock! What do you think about? Regards
  7. S

    Olympic fittings auction in Haltwhistle 4 September

    Hi, I've already made booking enquiries to one hotel in Haltwhistle and they are fully booked for that weekend. I'm not sure if it because of the auction or just because it's a good time of year to walk Hadrian's wall or something. But anyway, it's a good excuse for some Ocean Liner...
  8. R

    Olympic fittings auction (Haltwhistle Factory)

    Hi all, Just to let you know that I am the person that is selling by auction the fittings from the Olympic that were in the old Akzo Nobel Paint works in Haltwhistle. I took the decision to sell after two years of trying to use the office block as a craft and visitor centre but after...
  9. S

    Grand Staircase Cherub

    are there any photos of the olympic's grand staircase without the cherub? i read somewhere there was
  10. A

    Smoking room light fittings

    Can anyone tell me anything abouth the cut glass light fittings used in the first class smoking room. I think I may have two of the glass shades used in this room and would appreciate any information - who made them etc
  11. A

    Light fittings in smoking room

    Does anyone have any information on the glass light fittings in the first class smoking room. I believe I may have two of the cut glass light shades from this room and would appreciate any further information - which factory made these items etc.
  12. S

    Tour of Factory with Olympic fittings

    Hi, Myself and a friend will be touring the former Akzo Nobel factory the weekend before the BTS convention (5/6 April). The former site manager has got the new owner to show us round and explain his plans for the future (which will, thankfully, involve keeping all the fittings exactly where...
  13. R

    Britannic fittings on Ebay

    It seems to be original...but it is Ebay. This is a part of the text on the page: This fantastic wooden section is from the Grand Staircase and is IDENTICAL to that fitted to "Titanic". On the back of the piece is engraved: 1ST CLASS ENT BRIDGE DECK ATH AFT END 433. This refers to the position...
  14. Mark Chirnside

    Bostwick Gate

    Can anybody assist me with this query: what was ‘Bostwick Gate’ on Olympic? It is some kind of gateway, but is this the brand or type? Any help would be appreciated. Best regards, Mark.
  15. J

    Britannic Interiors and Fittings

    I have seen references made to the unused fittings from the Britannic (which included, I'm assuming, the unused panelling and other architectural elements) being auctioned after the war. Have any survived, and if so, are there any links to sites with photographs?