
  1. J

    Dallas Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones wants a piece of Titanic's hull

    To all members of the message board, my name is Jenny, and I am here to inform you, that according to the titanic news channel,Jerry Jones,owner of the american football team Dallas Cowboys, is in talks with RMS titanic, the owners of the titanic exhibitions, to raise up a piece of the...
  2. M

    Titanic Hull

    I have about a one inch square of Titanic's Hull from the big piece. The big piece was held by a chain at the Titanic ex, in Tenn, The chain made fragments chip ( more like rust ) anyway fall to the sand pit under it. The tour guide let me an another man pick up the pieces'. like I said very...
  3. A

    Titanic's Welded Hull

    It's the $64 dollar question here! The outcome Better Or Worst? Would the outcome be totally different IF Titanic's hull was WELDED? Better or for Worst?
  4. T

    White Star Hull Numbers

    I came across a cabinet photo of the engineering group at Harland & Wolff probably 20's-30's and has a hull number of 955 on the engine section. Trying to find out what ship this was and the date of construction. Several men in the photo can be traced to having worked on the Olympic and Titanic...
  5. J

    Hull floating just below the surface

    I read a theory on this board a while back (and can't find it) that the hull may have floated a few hundred feet below the surface for quite some time before it descended to the bottom. Has anyone heard about this? If so, how possible is it?
  6. T

    Insulation and backing material between the paneling and the steel of the hull

    I have always wondered what sort of backing or insulation (if any) was placed between paneling and the steel of the hull. Lets take for example a 1st class cabin on C deck- I'm assuming the ornate woodwork was not just placed against the steel plating- but rather there was some wood backing that...
  7. T

    Has anyone considered ice jammed in the hull breach

    I had a revelation the other day, when I spilled a glass of ice tea. It happened to fall against something that held the huge quantity of ice cubes in place at the opening, and it was tipped over for a couple of seconds, and I only lost about 1 inch of tea. I got to thinking about whether the...
  8. E

    Hull Plate Plans

    Hello, does anyone please know where I can obtain plans / scale drawings of the hull plates and there shape / size and positioning on the frames?
  9. D

    Pieces of hull for sale

    Yes real pieses and yes i will prove it for sale.e-mail me at harlydan585@yahoo only if your interested in buying them. [Moderator's note: This thread, which was posted in another topic has been moved to here. JDT]
  10. S

    Sealant between hull plates

    Forgive me if this has been discussed before, but I was unable to find the information in another thread. The hull plates were fastened to the structure with rivets, correct? What kind of sealant was placed between the individual plates of the hull to maintain watertight integrity?
  11. C

    Hull colors

    When the QE2 left on her maiden voyage was her hull grey and her funnel in Cunard colors? If not when and why was she painted this color?
  12. A

    Bulkheads and the hull

    1st to ALL here,moderators,posters,& ESPECIALLY 1 poster,for my earlier comments, (IT WAS NOT meant as a personal attack on a poster/you, it was "words" of a point of view/opinion) all i can i APOLOGIZE & hope your forgive me, friends again?? comment: on the construction, """""IF""""...
  13. I

    Cutting into the hull

    Until I read this report I had no idea that RMS Titanic Inc had cut into the hull of Titanic to retrieve artefacts. I don't usually get involved in the salvage discussions but was just surprised that they had been allowed to penetrate and damage the wreck even further when I thought that it was...
  14. Steven Hall

    Build Hull numbers for Olympic

    Titanic had: Build No: 131428 Hull No: 390904 ……………………………………… What was the corresponding numbers for Olympic ? I have lost my documentation in regards to this info. Any help would be appreciated.
  15. J

    Hull damage other than what was caused by the iceberg

    Greetings and a happy Turkey Day to all. Here's something that has bothered me for quite sometime. In the moments before Titanic broke in half during the final plunge, several witnesses testify that they heard a loud noise coming from the ship...a roaring sound accompanied by the sounds of...
  16. D

    Titanic Hull

    Well done you two, I reckon we could build our own ship after all this info and perhaps call it '' E. T.'' All the best, David H
  17. Kyle Fisher

    Hull and Watertight doors

    What do u think if they should made the hull wider so they can put 2 watertight doors side by side?
  18. Kyle Fisher

    Titanic's hull

    Do u think if they made Titanic hull made outta of Steel instead of iron? Cause i think it would have saved the passengers and crew of her.
  19. L

    A technical question about the hull's plating

    Hi to all , I'm modelling Lucy right now at the 1/100 scale. I got stuck on some plating's items , as I see that there are a few manholes on the hull plating , below the waterline.I saw this on the shell expansion plan I'm studying as I will model the plating. My question is : Why did they...
  20. N

    The third hull section

    I've read it somewhere that there has been discovered a 3rd hull section of the titanic, over 60 feet long.. Does any one has more information or even photos of this piece. Nuno