
  1. Dan E. Parkes

    First Officer Murdoch's 1909 letter

    Although seemingly not as newsworthy as the recovery of Murdoch's personal items from the wreck, the discovery of a letter written in Murdoch's hand to a “Miss Nancy” in 1909 while he was serving as first officer aboard the Adriatic has been revealed thanks to a recent auction. I have written up...
  2. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Letter from Titanic Electrical Engineer William Kelly to Jim Dempsey

  3. D

    Olympic letter mentions upholstery

    I have a letter written on Olympic in September, 1914 by Mrs. Belle Roosevelt, wife of Kermit and daughter-in-law of Theodore. In it, she writes a little about the ship: "We are installed in a most sumptuous suite. Bedroom in white & blue, dressing room, & marble tiled bath and a most...
  4. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Letter from Richard Gill to the Provincial Secretary, Halifax, Nova Scotia

  5. J

    An interesting letter from Alice Cleaver

    I found a letter that Alice Cleaver wrote to Walter Lord: "I was acting as a nurse to the two children of Mr and Mrs Allison. Having taken the position two weeks before we sailed as their own nurse decided not to go at the last moment - Lorraine was 3 years old at the time and Trevor 10...
  6. Encyclopedia Titanica

    "A Wonderful Ship, the Latest Thing in of Shipbuilding"

    Unique Relics from Titanic’s Maiden Voyage to be auctioned Henry Aldridge and Son, the world’s leading auctioneers of Titanic memorabilia are holding an auction of Titanic collectables to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the completion of the Royal Mail Steamer Titanic on March 31st 2012...
  7. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Titanic bandleader's letter is highlight of auction timed to the 100th

    A New Hampshire auction house is commemorating the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic by offering more than 180 pieces of memorabilia from the maritime tragedy, including a letter from the bandleader who chose to play on as the ship sank. Wallace Hartley wrote home to his parents in...
  8. A

    Letters from the Lusitania

    Hi I Have several letters from the Lusitania and the Olympic and interested to know if anyone has an idea what the value on these items is?
  9. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Albert Ervine's Last Letter

  10. H

    Letter Sarah Roth

    Hi, I have a small telegraphic letter of Sarah Roth, dated April 11th, 1912. Does anyone might have an idea if this letter is genuine? THE LETTER READS; DATED 11th APRIL 1912 DEAREST MOTHER JUST A FEW WORDS TO SAY THAT EMILY AND I ARE BOTH ENJOYING OUR TRIP SO FAR. I AM SO...
  11. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Letter from Titanic Electrical Engineer William Kelly to his mother

  12. M

    Eleanor Johnson Shuman Letter

    History For Sale...only wish I could afford it ;-) SEE: historyforsale.com/productimages/jpeg/217384.jpg Michael Cundiff NV, USA
  13. M

    Two Letters Auctioned at Spink Smythebs

    An article in The Globe and Mail (Toronto) Saturday, Jan 10, 2009 p. R8. Two letters written aboard Titanic to be auctioned on Friday. One by T. Eaton Company employee George Graham to a German colleague (2 pages. First page shown in print version of the Globe and Mail.) One by Adolf Saalfield...
  14. M

    WT Stead letter

    ATTN: Michael Poirier Michael, I was hoping, that since you are a trustee memmber of TH, I could snail mail a color copy of my Stead letter to TI, and perhaps you could scan it to the TI or ET site? BTW, I also did some trading with Craig Sopin...unfortunately I wanted a unique real-photo...
  15. R

    Francatelli Letter Auctioned

  16. D

    Personal letter to me from Mrs Snyder regarding her Titanic experience

    Happy New Year all: I know this is probably a dumb question but is anyone out there interested in my posting here a letter written to me by the wonderful Mrs. John Snyder in 1976 (answering a letter I wrote her re: Titanic)?? There is an especially interesting part on her view of Captain...
  17. Ryan McKeefery

    The Portrush Letter

    I highly enjoyed this article - I've read it three times, now. My thanks to Senan Molony for taking the time out from his busy schedule to study the letter and write the article for us. As one of the people who had decided not to believe that an officer shot himself on that fateful eve, I...
  18. Shelley Dziedzic

    Dr Ballard's Response to the Nargeolet Letter

    Dr. Ballard will be publishing, as I understand, a twenty page response to the controversial letter and questions posed by Captain Nargeolet in an upcoming issue of the Commutator, journal of the Titanic Historical Society. No copy was offered as a counterpoint to TIS journal, Voyage. This...
  19. M

    Letter written to Bruce Ismay

    I am having trouble signing on i am trying to post a letter written by lucile carter may 14 to mr ismay
  20. Mike Poirier

    Dear Bob an open letter to Robert Ballard

    Good for PH! He finally threw back at Bob Ballard, his lies and innuendos! Perhaps NG should do some more investigative style reporting the next time they offer Ballard a special!