
  1. S

    Mauretania 1 Launch & Fitting Out Photographs

    Hello All: I was just going through my collection and I found this series of Mauretania (I) construction and launch image photographs and postcards so I though I would post them as many are unpublished images. Mauretania (I) leaving the ways on September 20, 1906 Publisher Unknown -...
  2. B

    LusitaniaMauretania deck plans

    Where do I find huge Lusitania deck plans?
  3. M

    Lusitania vs Mauretania

    What are some differences between these two ships both inside and out. Anything you know will help. Thanks Matt
  4. R

    LusitaniaMauretania 1st Class Dining Room Question

    All the photos I've seen of the Lusitania's First Class Dining room showed the long tables and bolted down swivel based chairs. All the photos I've seen of the Maurentania's First Class Dining room shows smaller individual tables and regular style chairs. Some of these photos also show a...
  5. G

    Mauretania & Lusitania's Paintwork

    When the Lusitania was completed her paintwork was different when she left her birthplace to when she sailed on her maiden voyage (and there after)? At the time she left the Clyde, her bow was pained similar to WSL ships with a white hull below the forecastle - why was this repainted? When...
  6. G

    Mauretania Model Pic

    This is a picture taken in 1996 of the Mauretania model in Greenwic, London:
  7. T

    Secret engines on the Mauretania

    I heard there was some secret adjustments made to the engines on the Mauretania is this ture and what was here top speed.The uss nimitz top speed is 60 knots i think.
  8. R

    Mauretania AKA HMS Tuber Rose

    In Home from the Sea, Rostron states the Mauretania was given a code name of HMS Tuber Rose, which he was not aware of for years until he received a letter for the Captain of the Tuber Rose. Does anyone know the code names given to the other White Star and Cunard vessels while they were in...
  9. Brent Holt

    Net tonnage of Mauretania Aquitania and Imperator

    Does anyone know what the initial NET tonnage was of Mauretania, Aquitania, and Imperator? Thanks in advance, Brent
  10. G


    Heres a postcard I have of Mauretania
  11. G


    Tried another colour photo although this one isnt as good as the Titanic one:
  12. M

    Lusitania mauretania and rescue

    I have often wondered this: If either the Lusitania or Mauretania had been in the position that the Carpathia was when the first distress calls were made, would the speed of these ships have made them capable of reaching the Titanic before the sinking, or at least in time to save more lives...
  13. G


    When Mauretania was painted white in 1931, did the red bilge area that can be seen just above the surface of the water (and below) remain red or was it green?? Chas Pears' picture depicts it as red, yet others depict it as green?
  14. T

    Were Lusitania and Mauretania true sister ships

    True sister ships, to my mind, are vessels practically identical to each other in design and layout, as was the case with Olympic and Titanic. Were Lusitania and Mauretania true sisters? At first glance they look very similar, with same placement of public rooms, machinery configuration-but...
  15. G

    Mauretania Forth Bridge Photograph

    Mucking about in Photoshop once more, I decided to depict Mauretania from a distance at Rosyth passing under the Forth Bridge. What do u think?
  16. G


    Anyone know of any Newsreel featuring Mauretania leaving for the breakers ?
  17. L

    Where were Lusitania and Mauretania?

    Does anyone know where the Lusitania and Mauretania were at the time the Titanic was sinking? I don't remember them receiving the distress call, or indeed any references to them at all during that time. Were they at sea, in drydock or simply in port during the disaster?
  18. Mark Chirnside

    Liner Speeds Olympic Mauretania & Leviathan

    An issue recently left me pondering. It regards the speed of liners, both their “designed” or service speed and their maximum speed in service, or the maximum speed that they are able to attain for a short period. I have several examples of liners greatly exceeding their service speeds and...
  19. N


    Hello, I have been reading two books, "The Only way to Cross" and The Hulton Getty Picture Collection" Liners: The Golden Age". In both books they state that the Mauretania was not that luxurious. Why was that? Is that just the author’s opinions? Or was that the current view from the...
  20. J

    Mauretania Comes Alive In Bristol by Gavin Murphy

    Thanks for the article, Gavin. I didn't know any of those things about the "Maury," except that she had been scrapped. I didn't even know that Isambard Kingdom Brunel's Great Britain was in Bristol. Have you heard of his other ship, the Great Western? (not to be confused with Great Eastern)...