
  1. R

    Cunard Orchestra Repertoire

    I'm wondering about the type of music the orchestra played on the last voyage. Would most of it be similar to what's on Whitcomb's Titanic CD? Better yet, is there a copy of what a 1915 orchestra repertoire from a Cunard ship available any place? Hoehling (I think) seems to mention "Just A...
  2. J

    Breakfast and lunch on Titanic

    Hello, I wonder what was the usual First Class breakfast and lunch compose of ? Was there buffets like in nowadays luxurious hotels (the ones I've been to anyways) ? Did the band played music for those occasions ? Cheers
  3. C

    And the Band Played On

    After perusing several threads and their posts, I have yet to find the answer to a question that has lingered in the back of my mind. If there is such a thread, forgive my being redundant. Just what was the last song played on Titanic? Was it "Autumn" or was it "Nearer My God to Thee"...
  4. Shelley Dziedzic

    Titanic in Song

    Hope this may be a good repository for all things musical and Titanic. Last I heard there were over 317 Titanic tunes ranging from folk, ballad, "tearjerker"- waltzes, soundtracks from films, regional and ethnic-based compositions,musicals and Broadway productions, pop, and blues. Shall we get...
  5. J

    Could the band play

    could the band play their wooden instruments violin,bass-etc and play brass instruments trumpet,trumbone-etc if you have Titanic (1953)you know what i mean.i would like to think so but its probably not true.
  6. W

    Stokers' Songs

    Hi Folks, I'm brand new to this board. I'm writing a novel based on the Titanic. I'm trying to find out what songs the stokers on board Titanic would likely have sung. Any ideas, tips or info out there? Thanks, Woody
  7. M

    Restaurant Band Stand

    Does anybody know if the bandstand in the Restaurant was ever used on the Titanic. I know that a trio of bandsmen played in the Reception Room outside of the Restaurant, but I was wondering if the ever utalized the bandstand inside. Thanks for your imput ahead of time. Matt
  8. C

    A music video clipcheck the diferences

    Well, it is a music video "forever not yours" launched in April, from a Band named A-HA. 90 years after Titanic, the Ship afloat, but Mankind drowns itself…. Noah Arch? Take a look…. ayMediaExtern.jsp?mi d=33275
  9. J

    Waltz from A Night To Remember

    Hello All, I am trying to put a name to the piece of music that is played when First Class passengers are going to dinner on April 14th in "A Night To Remember". In the scene, a blond passenger and her husband are coming down the Grand Stair Case and they pass the band and go into the...
  10. A


    Hi all, we spoke about pianos in the conversation on the mysterious pic I tried to post, so I had a question. I read there were 16 pianos on Titanic but I think it's wrong. So, how many pianos? 1) one in 3rd class general room 2) one on boat deck 1st class foyer 3) one on 2nd class b deck...
  11. Kyrila Scully

    Music that fits the scene

    Wish I had been able to jump into this foray much earlier. Anyway, I'm here now. When I hear Macy Gray, I ask myself, "How come she made it and I couldn't?" (*sigh*) Teri, did you ever figure out the "Josephine and the Flying Machines" reference?
  12. J

    Film Scores & Movie Music

    Sometimes when I come across music I like to try to fit it to some scene in the Titanic disaster. I just finished listening to Henryk Gorecki's Symphony No. 3 II Lento E Largo. It's a haunting piece of music, that's often referred to as the "Symphony of Sorrows." I imagined it as the...
  13. J

    Replacement Band

    Hello. I'm here hoping that a family legend might be answered as either false or true. My Mother has told me over the years of a story that was told to her by my Fathers mother before they divorced. The story goes that my Fathers Grandfather was a Musician and a band leader. His surname was Kyle...
  14. J

    Erin's Lament: Words and Music

    where I can find the music to it? Thanks! Jenny
  15. C


    Hello everyone! I will probably be arrested after this message but here it goes: Is anyone able to make cd's copies? Well if anyone does and as titles relating with the Titanic please email me to: Note: I already have these ones - Titanic and Back to Titanic (James...
  16. R

    The songs played in A Night To Remember

    Apart from "The Blue Danube", I'm tone deaf as to what the band is playing in "A Night To Remember." Anybody know what the tunes are? Thanks! Richard K.
  17. S

    The band's repertoire your favourite melody

    Was it Mrs Cardeza felt a chill every time later in life she heard the Bacarolle from the Tales of Hoffman? The band was playing it on the evening the Titanic sank. A beautiful composition by Jacques Offenbach. Loved hearing it on the radio today on the way to work. Summed up that era of...
  18. R

    Band members' personal belongings

    Did any member of the Titanic's band leave behind any personal papers such as letters, diaries, etc.? If so, are they still extant and where are they located? Thanks! Richard K.
  19. J

    Music Inspired by Titanic

    I have teamed up with to create a new "radio" station carrying tracks inspired by rms.Titanic and the film. URL: Come, have a listen while you browse. What else is available FREE and where can I get it?
  20. B


    Does anyone have a list of music played onboard?