
  1. M

    Violet Jessop

    Does anyone know the cabin number and the location of Violet Jessop's room, the Glory Hole location and what deck was Violet a stewardess on? Thank you!! Michele
  2. Yourj Benig

    Olympic and titanic - switched????

    I've read in some sites that Titanic and Olympic had been switched. Instead of Titanic, It was the Olympic who sank.. was that true????
  3. Encyclopedia Titanica

    RMS Titanic,Britannic and Olympic.1:1750 scale die cast models.Boxed+Excellent.

    $103.16 (29 Bids) End Date: Monday Apr-23-2012 12:42:05 PDT Bid now | Add to watch list
  4. C

    Titanic or Olympic- Which Ship Sank?

    I am currently reading Titanic or Olympic- Which Ship Sank by Steve Hall and Beveridge. However, on pg 94 it states, "Olympic disguised as Titanic would then have been required to depart Belfast not long after dawn.....to make it back to Southampton in time for departure on 3 April". Surely this...
  5. D

    Olympic letter mentions upholstery

    I have a letter written on Olympic in September, 1914 by Mrs. Belle Roosevelt, wife of Kermit and daughter-in-law of Theodore. In it, she writes a little about the ship: "We are installed in a most sumptuous suite. Bedroom in white & blue, dressing room, & marble tiled bath and a most...
  6. A

    Oceanic and Olympic -- sisters?

    Here is an interesting snippet of info I just read on The Great Ocean Liners website. The article I was reading was about White Star's Oceanic (1899) and I came across this paragraph: I never knew that Oceanic (1899) was to have a sister called Olympic. I always thought she [Oceanic] was a...
  7. Encyclopedia Titanica

    RMS Titanic Olympic White Star Line rare Replica Lifeboat Nameplate

    $89.00 End Date: Tuesday Apr-3-2012 5:42:54 PDT Buy It Now for only: $89.00 Buy It Now | Add to watch list
  8. C

    New discovery of light mast behind Titanic Olympic

    Hi all, I am pleased to inform you that I find with my brother's lamp mast behind the Titanic / Olympic. Here is the proof of this lamp was back at the wreckage that was exposed in a museum. His comments and welcome. Best regards. Franí§ais: Nouvelle découverte lumií¨re du mast...
  9. Steven Hall

    Titanic or Olympic Which Ship Sank

    I shall post up here some further details on this book in a short time.
  10. C


    HI EVERYBODY, I SEND THE LINK FOR ARTWORK UPDATE PLAN: http://www.titanichistoricalsociety.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=930 KIND REGARDS
  11. M

    Olympic photographic history

    Brian's book is out...saw one being offered on E-Bay. Ships from Austrailia. Michael Cundiff NV, USA
  12. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Damage to the Olympic following collision with HMS Hawke

  13. J

    Olympic Class Business Case Financials

    Hello, My name is Joseph Mortati and I am an American living in Virginia (about 25 miles/40 km west of Washington, DC). I am writing a book about the business story behind Titanic and her sisters and am asking for this group's help in comparing the expected total expenses and revenue between...
  14. H

    Olympic sailings in 1912

    Hi, Does anybody now the voyage numbers of the Olympic in 1912 during period February till April? I have an abstract of log, dated February 7th from Southampton till New York with a passage of 5 days and 11 hours. I am looking for the dates of the other voyage numbers till the Titanic...
  15. Phillip Ivey

    Olympic Items for Sale

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if there were any places that had any items from the Olympic for sale. I know that the White Swan has a lot of fittings from the Olympic. I was just wondering if there were any antique stores that might have some fittings or china?
  16. M

    RMS Titanic Manual 19091912 Olympic Class Hutchings & de Kerbrech

    From The Daily Mail: A Titanic task: Motor specialists Haynes produce a manual for the 'unsinkable ship'[indent] More at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1370085/A-Titanic-task-Motor-specialists-Haynes-produce-manual-unsinkable-ship.html Comment: This book is written by David...
  17. W

    New Olympic website

    I just launched a new website to provide information about Racing Into the Night, the book I've written that will be in stores in June 2011. The book is the story of Olympic's first year in service and her role in the events of April 14-15, 1912. The site is located at...
  18. S

    Olympics's anchors funnels and propellers

    Are they still around or were they just scrapped aswell? I've heard the wheel house still exists.
  19. M

    Olympics's Docking Bridge

    I was just wondering if the extended teak planks on the Olympic's docking bridge had safety railing around them and if the docking bridge railing was removable so that people could get to the teak planks.
  20. M


    Where was the Olympic around the time of Britannic's Sinking