sir cosmo & lady duff gordon

  1. I


    Could anyone out there please help me with my jigsaw? I have recently visited the grave of the Duff-Gordons and just in front of their grave I stumbled (literally) across the grave of Lucy's daughter, Esme Stuart (Countess of Halsbury) and her husband Hardinge Goulburn (2nd Earl of Halsbury)...
  2. D

    Belle Poitrine and the House of Lucile

    OK, you theater buffs. Have any of you heard of "that great star of stage, screen and television", Belle Poitrine? Her autobiography, Little Me, "as told to Patrick Dennis" (the author of Auntie Mame) contains the following reference: "...landing at Southampton, I had ample time to run up...
  3. R

    Pellegrino re HarrisDuffGordons

    All, It's come to my attention that on Charles Pellegrino's growing website ( has added some rather dubious details to a section on Rene Harris. In it he quotes from what purports to be a 1960s letter of Rene's (I imagine to Walter Lord)...
  4. D

    Lucile Polk Carter

    Did Lucile Polk Carter ever write a book about her trip on Titanic?
  5. R

    Cosmo Duff Gordon

    Cosmo Edmund Duff Gordon of Maryculter, 5th Baronet 22 July 1862 - 20 April 1931
  6. A


    why did the duff gordons sign on as "Mr and Mrs Morgan?
  7. N

    Lady Duff-Gordon

    Did she dine in the first-class Dining Saloon or the Restaurant? Regards, Nigel
  8. R

    Happy Birthday to Lucile

    On this day in 1863 (138 years ago; yikes!) Lucy Christiana Sutherland was born to Douglas and Elinor Saunders Sutherland at 64, Albany Street, London, England. _________________________________________________ "...I made my appearance in a house in St. John's Wood, a stone's throw from...
  9. R

    Anniversary of Duff Gordon deaths

    Sir Cosmo Edmund Duff Gordon (5th Baronet of Maryculter) 22 July 1862 - 20 April 1931. Age 68. _______ Lucy, Lady Duff Gordon (nee Sutherland) 13 June 1863 - 20 April 1935. Age 71. _________________________________________________ TIME magazine, May 4, 1931: "Milestones"...
  10. R

    Sir Cosmo & Lady Duff Gordon headlines

    WOMEN'S WEAR DAILY, April 8, 1912: "Lady Duff Gordon Gives Reception" _________________________________________________ NEW YORK WORLD, April 16, 1912: "Lady Duff Gordon and Husband Among Those on Titanic" _________________________________________________ ASSOCIATED PRESS...
  11. R

    Lady Duff Gordon's Titanic Letter

    In response to a letter of encouragement from her friend and client Margot Asquith, wife of British Prime Minister H.H. Asquith, Lucy Duff Gordon penned the following note on 4 pages of personal stationary headed "22 Lennox Gardens London" and dated May 16, 1912...
  12. R

    Duff Gordons at Titanic Limitations Hearings

    Hey, all, Can somebody please explain the intent and focus of the so-called "limitations" hearings that took place in the aftermath of Titanic? I ask because I've been informed of late by reliable sources that the Duff Gordons may well have testified in 1913 at one of the hearings. I...
  13. J


    Good evening. Concerning the notorious Duff-Gordon group shot, taken aboard the Carpathia: I know that the picture was taken BY Dr. McGee, but was it taken with HIS camera, or with a camera the Duff-Gordons (or someone else from #1) carried off The Titanic? I keep hoping that other "on board"...
  14. R

    Lady Duff Gordon Links

    Here are some links I was going to send to Shelley with whom I regularly trade fashion/Titanic gab but I thought some of them might also be of interest to the rest of ya so here goes: Photos of Lady Duff Gordon and her "Lucile" fashions -
  15. R

    Who Was Lady Duff Gordon's Stewardess

    Hi! I'm wondering if those of you who know a bit more about the crew of Titanic (George? Phillip? Calling all hands!)know which stewardess might have been assigned to Lady Duff Gordon in cabin A-20? I have long been intrigued by Duff Gordon's passing but affectionate reference to this...
  16. J

    Discretions and Indiscretions by Lucy Lady Duff Gordon

    Is there any possible way that I can obtain this book? I have searched through bookstores but have found nothing. If anyone can lead me in the right direction I would be very grateful. I thank you for your attention to this post.
  17. Mike Poirier

    Lucile Carter

    Did Lucile Carter ever write about her experiences on the ship?
  18. J

    Lady Duff Gordon

    Hi- Have there been any books written about Lady Guff Gordon? Does anyone know a source for her fashion illustrations? Million Thanks!!
  19. J

    Lucile Polk Carter later Brooke

    Does anyone know if Mrs Carter, her maiden name being Polk, is related to the President James K. Polk? I was wondering if Lucile was a relative or something of that nature. If anybody knows this, let me know and hear from you. Thanks to those who respond and do not! PS (Does anybody know the...