smoking room

  1. C

    Smoking Room Light Fixture Allocations

    For all those interested in the light fixture configuration of the 1st Class Smoking Room, below I will try to post a sample of where they were laid out. Please note that since this was at one time design for the Olympic's smoking Room, that the writing closet on the aft wall of the room was on...
  2. Z

    Fire on Titanic before it sank

    Hello, everyone! In Charles Pellegrino's book, "Ghosts of Titanic" he says that there was a fire on the stern of the Titanic. He says the fire started when a fire place in the first class smoking room had coals spill out onto the floor starting the fire. Is this true because I don't recall...
  3. B

    Lounge or smoking room

    ok ive been reading the post about the collapsing room not being the lounge and i have found quite a few mistakes. i personally belive that they were trying to show us the lounge breaking the reason they did not have the chandlier or the fancy ceiling in this take is because it would be 2...
  4. Bob Read

    1st Class Smoke Room Bar windows

    I have been wondering about the documentation for the round windows on the aft bulkhead of the raised roof over the 1st Class Smokeroom. These served the bar aft of the smokeroom. Ken Marschall and others have represented 3 round windows. The reference always given is the collapsed aft...
  5. A

    Smoking room panel

    have a look at the christie's site and find the sale no 5758 held 12th april under auction calender . go to lot 112 - it appears to be a rare survivor. I had the bad luck to underbid but have asked to be put in contact with the purchaser so i can ask if there are any markings on the reverse.
  6. Damon Hill

    Modelling the Smoking Room

    Hi Everyone. I am still plodding my way through my building of the model of the Smoking Room but have yet another question to ask. in the photo taken from the forward port bay looking back towards the fireplace, a reflection can be seen in the mirror of the forward wall of the port bay. there...
  7. Hitch

    Approach to the New World or Plymouth Harbour

    Hi. Okay, I have a question that I’m not getting out. (I read this in the “Smoking room windows” topic, but I did end want to change to subject so I’m asking this here.) What is the name now of the painting above the first class smoking room on Titanic? Approach to the New World or...
  8. Hitch

    Painted windows of the smokingroom

    Sorry if this question has been answered before but can anyone tell me: "What was shown on the painted windows of the smoking-room?" EDIT: And douse anyone maby know if the fireplace was in marmer. Thank you.
  9. Damon Hill

    Smoking Room Photos

    A few years back i purchased a reprint of a 1968 Titanic Commutator from the THS and in it was a photo of the Smoking Room that Ive not seen elsewhere. It is taken from slightly starboard looking to port almost directly at the aft port bay windows. There is another photo on the net at...
  10. Damon Hill

    Smoking room windows

    i am in the process of building a model of the First class Smoking room and was wondering if anyone knows the particulars of the images on the windows in the bays. I know they depicted landscapes and things. I've seen closeups of ones done for the Cameron movie that had a big weeping willow on...
  11. B

    Smoking Room and other design questions

    First of all, I must say I'm absolutely blown away by the members of this board and your incredible knowledge of all things Titanic. I've been sifting through several of the threads doing research for a project, and your informative discussions have helped a great deal already! I've been...
  12. B

    First Class Smoke Room Furniture

    Hi All! I was wondering what color the furniture was in the First Class Smoke Room, I have seen it hinted that it was green, and that Olympics was brown but I have no of distinguishing which was which. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Best Regards, Brian
  13. D

    Tile from Smoking Room

    I was just cruising around the net and found a place selling tiles from the smoking room. They are framed with a pic of the room. Don't know if they are from the ship itself or perhaps left over pieces that weren't used. They are over $700.00!!! Yikes! They are kind of a mustard color with...
  14. B

    Britannic First Class Smoking Room

    Hi All! Back again with my concept of the Britannic Smoking Room Best Regards, Brian
  15. A

    Smoking room light fittings

    Can anyone tell me anything abouth the cut glass light fittings used in the first class smoking room. I think I may have two of the glass shades used in this room and would appreciate any information - who made them etc
  16. A

    Light fittings in smoking room

    Does anyone have any information on the glass light fittings in the first class smoking room. I believe I may have two of the cut glass light shades from this room and would appreciate any further information - which factory made these items etc.
  17. T

    Fire In First Class Smoking Room

    Hi Everybody! I'm new here and this is my first post. Great site! Anyway I am reading "The Ghosts Of The Titanic". The author mentions that as the Titanic was sinking and tilting towards the bow that the first class smoking room caught on fire from the hot coals in the fireplace. He said that...
  18. J

    Smoking Room drawings

    Hello, I was wondering if there is any drawing of the domed First Class smoking room on the internet ? From what I've seen on the site '', the Britannic would have indeed been more luxurious than Olympic and Titanic. Cheers, Jonathan
  19. D

    Titanic Smoke Room Painting

    This Olympic postcard is being auctioned off on ebay. It looks surprisingly like the painting in Titanic's Smoke Room, with the exception of Olympic being in there.
  20. D

    Public Rooms at 11:40

    How many 1st Class public rooms were open when the Titanic stuck the berg? We've gone over public room hours before, but published closing times contradict survivor accounts. The only rooms that I know of that were still catering to passengers are the Cafe Parisienne and the Smoking Room. The...