
  1. A

    Experts saying she needed to go full speed ahead

    I didn't find this topic in the threads, but I'm sure it might be hidden somewhere. Anyway, I'm very curious if the iceberg could have been avoided had the captain judged best to go with engines on full and steered hard to the left, would the Titanic have been damaged to some degree anyway...
  2. B

    Increasing Speed on Sunday April 14

    I'm currently working on a novel involving the Titanic, and I was wondering...did Captain Smith actually order the ship to go to 22 knots on Sunday morning? It's mentioned in Cameron's movie, but there's a lot of inaccuracies there. It's assumed Ismay wanted to beat the Olympic's crossing...
  3. M

    Ismay and the speed of the Titanic

    Bruce Ismay has been accused of effecting the running of the the Titanic, both the speed and the navigation. I have a question , given the known position and the speeds and conditions prior to sinking and the expected time of arrival, was the Titanic travelling faster than would have been...
  4. S

    Speed measurements/indicators

    Maybe this is a very basic question, maybe not (please forgive if it is! bear with me). How was actual speed measured on Titanic's bridge (and presumably on other ships of the day?) I recall reading something about a device called the "Svenska Log" which was a gizmo utilizing a pipe...
  5. F

    Average speed of Titanic

    Hello all. I was wondering if any one can tell me what is the accepted average speed the Titanic was making before the collision. I have found many different answers. Thanks
  6. O

    Lusitania v Mauretania in terms of speed

    Given that Lusitania was fitted with four bladed propellers in 1909, therefore why couldn`t she quite compete with the slightly faster Mauretania?
  7. P

    Half Speed and Shut in

    Hi all, Just two questions: After the collision, the engine room telegraphs were rung "half speed ahead". What is this? Is it half maximum speed? Would that make it about 10-12 knots? Also, what angles abaft the beam would the Titanic's masthead lights, stern light and side lights be...
  8. M

    Carpathias top speed

    please can someone tell me what speed the carpathia was travelling when she was heading for the Titanic, sorry if i'm the only one who doesnt know.
  9. Mark Chirnside

    George Kemish & Speed Sources

    Hi! I would very much appreciate some help on this. In his most recent book (Ghosts of the Titanic, Avon Books, 2000, page 223) Charles Pellgrino writes: [indent] He also links Kemish's statement with a possible Tuesday night arrival. While Kemish's account seems plausible based on my...
  10. G


    Here is a drwing of Lusitania at speed. I have managed to finally sort out my computer and can now post my drawings at a larger scale - if there are any you would like to see larger, let me know:
  11. G

    Olympics's Speed

    Hi, all! It occurs to me that it might be interesting for us to compile some documentation regarding Olympic's speed and crossing times throughout her career. I suspect there are a lot of researchers here who own one or more log abstracts containing Olympic's stats for various voyages...
  12. J

    Titanic Safety Speed and Sacrifice by George Behe

    I recently read this fairly compact work, and must say I'm very impressed with Mr. Behe's arguments and constructions. While -- as he states in the prefatory notes -- some points can only be made suggestively, not with absolute conviction, George does an admirable job in the presentation of this...
  13. G

    Speed Coal etc

    (I thought I'd create a new thread -- the old one was becoming too slow to download.) Hi, David: >Since history does not reveal its alternatives, I have no idea of what >Ismay might have done on Monday. However, if the ship had only 1080 >miles to steam from "the corner," ...