
  1. Cam Houseman

    Drawing interior and exterior of stern

    Title. I will try my best. Any suggestions on where to start?
  2. Cam Houseman

    If Titanic sank intact, what would it be like? What would the stern look like still attached?

    What do you think? How would she look? How difficult would it be to explore Titanic's innards? Would the Stern look like a crumpled half of a subway car, had it not broken from the bow? Thank you for your time!
  3. Cam Houseman

    ...where do I even begin for a Bow and Stern sections?

    what are the specific step-by-step instructions? Best model to use? what tools do I need? Rust/rusticles?
  4. Cam Houseman

    Stern and Bow images

    Hi y'all. I think we should make a collection of the Bow and Stern sections. Why? because we'll see the ship inside and out. The whole picture. So, we can find photos of the wreck, post them here, and label them as "Bow" or "Stern". maybe even the debris field. If anyone does post, please make...
  5. Cam Houseman

    Complete images of the Stern section

    Hi y'all. I'm trying to create a drawing of the stern section. But since there are few photos, I'm having trouble drawing it without solid visuals. So, I thought that we could create a collection of stern photos here! So, please look for any photos, old and new. No duplicates please, if we want...
  6. Cam Houseman

    Her Stern

    Hey! I hope y'all are having a nice day. So, I've been fascinated by the Titanic since I was a little kid. Seen the movies, docs, etc, multiple times. A question is, has an expedition ever fully explored and extensively photographed her Stern? I know it's all imploded and stuff, but some stuff...
  7. Stewart Hall

    Stern Portholes

    Hello, Can you identify what room(s) are behind the stern portholes in the white area above Titanic’s name? Sorry, I don’t know which deck they’re on. Thanks, Stew
  8. Cian O'Reilly

    Stern Wreck Deterioration.

    Hi all, based on previous work I've done modelling the stern wreck - physical, scratch built plastic model and a 3d (CG) photogrammetry model generated from it - and producing short movie sequences using the 3d CG version, I've created these images to show the deterioration of the stern section...
  9. Dan Kappes

    Stern angle

    In some illustrations of the sinking, the Lusitania's stern is seen to be very high in the air, like the Titanic's in some illustrations of her. Two examples below. The first one is a painting by Alton Tobey from Volume 7 of The Golden Book History of the United States. Yet Ken Marschall's...
  10. Dan Kappes

    Why was the ensign on the stern's fantail flown only during the day?

    And not at night?
  11. Dan Kappes

    What would have happened if the stern remained floating?

    If the stern remained floating after the ship broke in two, how many people would've survived on board it? Also, could photographs have been taken of it when a rescue ship arrived and could it have been towed to port to salvage it? (Perhaps in Canada) Also, could the White Star Line have fixed...
  12. Dan Kappes

    How soon did Robert Ballard find the stern section after he found the bow section?

    If I recall correctly, he discovered a boiler first and then found the bow section; that's when he realized the funnels were off and the ship had split in two. How soon did he find the severed stern after finding the bow? And how far apart are the stern and bow sections from each other?
  13. Arun Vajpey

    The Stern: Did it implode or explode?

    There has been a lot of talk here and elsewhere about how the Titanic's stern section imploded under the pressure of the sea as it sank. But how much evidence is really there that it did so? To my untrained eye, the way the bits and pieces from the stern of the ship are scattered about suggests...
  14. Kyle Naber

    Did the Stern Support the Bow?

    When the ship broke apart, it’s likely that the heavy bow swung down, leaving the buoyant stern on the surface. Did the stern have enough buoyancy hold the bow in a downward vertical position while it floated horizontally as shown here? Or would the bow be heavy enough to drag the stern down...
  15. Cian O'Reilly

    Titanic Stern Wreck 3D

    Hi All, I've just posted some links to a model I built of the Stern Section of the Titanic wreck on the model forum, so I'd like to add these links here - I used Photogrammetry to scan the Hand Built model into a 3D model and produce these short sequences based on it. Hope you like them...
  16. Cian O'Reilly

    Titanic stern section wreck (circa 1986) model

    Hi All, This is my first post here as a member. I'd like to share a project I've been working on for some time now - a scratch build of Titanic's stern section as it looked in 1986. It's been a long term project and it's only entering it's final phase now, as I begin to build the wreckage for...
  17. Dan Kappes

    Why did Cameron show the bow hit the ocean floor but not the stern?

    In the movie, when Bodine shows Old Rose the computer sinking simulation, Cameron only decided to show the bow section hitting the ocean floor, but not the stern. The published book of the screenplay said the stern part was deleted in post-production. Did Cameron only decide to show the bow...
  18. sir john adams

    When did the stern completely rise above the surface?

    I have a minor question, but when exactly did the stern rises above the surface completely as in, there was space under the keel and the waters surface, and when this happened what was the angle of the ship? was the bridge at the waters surface at the same time?
  19. A

    Flour Explosion in Stern

    I understand the Titanic was carrying 49,000 pounds of flour down on G-deck on the port side of the stern. Is it possible that something like this happened? Increase this explosion by 5,000. .
  20. Andy Carter

    Inside Stern

    Hi everyone, I know its a hard question to answer, but do you think the aft Grand Staircase would still be inside the Stern or at least some of it that we would recognise? Regards Andy