titanic books

  1. K

    Need some ideas to write a Titanic book

    Hello It's been a while since I post, I have been very busy, I do have a question. I want to write a Titanic book maybe for kids. How would I start, I do want them to learn as well. Any ideas? And how should I start writing the first chapter? Kathy
  2. M

    I need a Titanic book expert

    Our primary school (26 years ago) had a children's picture book containing two stories:- Amelia Earhart's lost Pacific flight; and the sinking of the Titanic. I have looked for years in libraries and book stores, but have NEVER found a copy. Has anyone out there ever come across it; or know...
  3. T

    New Titanic Book

    For every Titanic-enthusiast lostliners.de has a special offer. We proudly presents the newest Titanic book. "Vocation Titanic" from Jens Ostrowski Father Joseph Peruschitz from germany was one of the many silent heroes of this historical catastrophe. “Vocation Titanic” gives us a special...
  4. D

    Some Titanic Book Finds

    Hi All! Just wanted to put an offer out there! I have found Tyne to Titanic(at original cost) and the American Senate Report(hardbound version) at a few places. If anyone is interested email me privately and I will send you all the links/phone numbers. Also looking for some oher "hard to...
  5. P

    Value of Titanic books

    Does anyone know of a place to find the value of Titanic books? Specifically: 1. The Titanic Disaster by Howard M. Chapin, Providence 1913. It has an owners name plate that says Charles Value Chapin. One website said that only 20 were printed. Excellent condition. 2. Titanic by...
  6. L

    New Titanic Book

    Just to let everyone know that a new Titanic Book has just been published. It is by Hermann Söldner (or Soeldner); and is called: RMS Titanic, Passenger and Crew List (10 April 1912 - 15 April 1912). The publisher is: Ä wie Ärger Verlag Rüti 2000 (or Ae wie Aerger Verlag...
  7. N

    Good titanic books

    hi, i want a GOOD titanic book, one that has a lot information and not one of those books which has more pictures in it than real usefull information. Does anyone have an idea? Nienke
  8. M

    Golden Turkey Award for Worst Titanic Book

    Since were on the subject of best books, we might as well create a Hall of Shame for the very worst. I figure that this should be a feild ripe for nominees. Any takers? Cordially, Michael H. Standart
  9. M

    And the Golden Commutator for Best Titanic Book Goes To

    Hi all, whenever I get together with groups to talk about Titanic books, people are always surprised at the large number of books that exist on the subject. Americans being Americans, inevitably the question is raised "Which is the best Titanic book of all"? Now the best answer, of...
  10. H

    Titanic Book Report

    hi everyone, I am doing a book report on Walter Lord's A Night to Remember, for my high school class, and i wanted to know if anyone has ever done this and is willing to provide me with copies of their work which would be very helpful for me, or if someone can give me assistance as to what...
  11. C

    Any Titanic books writers around here

    Hi! Just liked to know if any of you have written a book on Titanic; or something else about the Titanic! Thanks, Kátia Lamy
  12. A

    Titanic: An IIlustrated History

    Hello. I am almost through reading Titanic- An Illustrated History. It is very informative and interesting, with excellent paintings by Ken Marschall and photos from inside the Titanic and of her passengers. However, I would like to ask the opinion of those who have read it. Would you say...
  13. K

    Best Titanic books

    Hi, I'm just starting to add to my Titanic book collection, I only have a couple. I just wanted to kmow what the best books are on the subject what do you recomend? Thanks. Karel
  14. D


    Does anyone believe this book, written by Morgan Robertson to be a premonition of the Titanic disaster? I believe that Its very possible,that this book foretold of the disaster, of course some people probably would'nt have believed such a story, And if they had read the book, they unlikely would...
  15. K

    Belfast's Own and Other Titanic Books by Stephan Cameron

    Just wondering if anyone knew if it was true that Stephan Cameron, who wrote "Belfast's Own" was also writing a book about Thomas Andrews. Thanks
  16. H

    Best Titanic Books

    As a newcomer to TITANIC lore, are there any particular book that I shouldn't miss? I've already read A NIGHT TO... (of course), Colonel Gracie's memoirs, TITANIC: WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST and the senate hearings. I'm not that interested in the general workings of the ship, e.g. books filled...
  17. C

    Titanic Books

    HI! I'm looking around foir Titanic books and VHS. Can anyone help me??? There's any place on web with the books for free (probably not!)? Can anyone tell me the URL?? Thanks a lot!! Portuguese Readers: Sabem onde posso adquirir este material na zona de Lisboa/Almada??? Lojas...