Titanic and Ghosts veteran Louis Abernathy

Louis Abernathy is an interesting, charasmatic fellow- having played 'Louie Bodine" in Titanic, and having dived as himself in the 'Ghosts Of The Abyss' Imax film.....

What is his back story- is he an actor, and under sea explorer, a submersible operator?


Tarn Stephanos
Lewis Abernathy is a friend of Cameron's. Apparently, they met on a diving trip a very long time ago and Cameron continued diving with him for years. He is actually a writer/director of low-budget schlock sci-fi type stuff. His first acting gig was Titanic
Hey Tarn,

"Louis Bodine is actually Lewis Abernathy, James Cameron's best friend. Lewis, as a joke, wrote a screenplay about Titanic for James for his birthday. Lewis, whom is a known "rivet-counter" and at one time was the youngest member of the Titanic Historical Society, thought that a "good" movie needed to be made of Titanic. He never believed that James would take to the idea though. James then wrote the screenplay for Titanic, and wrote in Bodine to represent Abernathy. After numerous screenings, James discovered that Abernathy was the only man who could play the part. Abernathy also helped James recreate the Titanic accurately as possible."

That is a quote from this site--http://www.back-to-titanic.com/film/bts/facts/distant.shtml -Back to The Titanic

I could not get the link to work, sorry!

Hope that helps a bit.

I like these guys, I met them in Micronesia, Truk islands to be specific, met James cameron along with Louis Abernathy, fun guys, I was a bartender at one of the resort, and I met them there. They were diving the wwII ship wrecks in the truk lagoon. Louis a very radical guy, he likes to party, I like him. Thank you.