I'm looking for a picture of little Eino Panula!
People magazine had a picture of the family in last weeks magazine but I can't fin it online! Can anyone help!
Danger...danger Will Robinson!!!!!!!

If a photo of this unfortunate child appeared in People Magazine, you can bet that a copyright still applies. As such, it would be inappropriate to post the photo here without the copyright holder's permission. Having said that much, if somebody has that photo, one could always scan it and send it in an e-mail to Hilda.

I just looked up the pic that is listed in the issue of People that the article appears in. In the caption, it states that the pic was taken prior to Eino's birth. When I look real closely at the pic it appears that Maria is pregnant, so it may be Eino that she is carrying, but he is not one of the children present in the photo.

Hope that helps. : )

Melissa : )
I am a Finnish journalist and I am trying to find more material on the family Panula, mother Maria and her five sons, youngest of which was Eino, Titanic's "unknown child. They all died in Titanic. Does anyone know anything about them? Have you read any interesting books/interviews/newspaper stories in which this family has been mentioned? Do you happen to have any Finnish relatives in the USA who would know more about them?
I would really appreciate any help I could get!
You can write me directly.
[email protected]

Who were the children photographed in the People article? What issue?

This query is two years late, but I just joined this message board.

Carol Goodwin Goroff
I am a relative of Eino Panula, and i have lots of family photos. I have a pic of a pregnant Maija(Maria's birth name), her husband, and one of their two daughters, who both died young, circa 1903, and a pic of Eino after his christening in 1911, but they are in Canada, and i am in Finland. I will send for them, and post them when i get them.
I am a direct descendent of Eino Viljami Panula. We have always known of the disaster, and a few years ago, my grandma, Magda was asked to supply DNA for help to discover the unknown child's name.
Hilder, since Eino was a 13 month old toddler at the time of his death, unless his was incredibly precocious to the point of making medical history, there is no way he could have fathered any children. Thus, there is no way you could be directly decended from him.