Where are the Memorials in the UK for crew of the Titanic

I think there are some memorials for crew from Southampton who perished, on the Titanic but where are there some others. My brother said he saw one years ago in Wales. Can anybody help?
There is one in Liverpool, on the docks, near the ferry terminal. It does not list TITANIC by name, but it does pay tribute to the sacrifices made by the crew members who died.
I saw it last month, during my trip to England and Ireland.

John Clifford
The Liverpool Memorial was designed as one for the Titanic's engineers and mostly paid for through public subscription. However, World War One intervened before it could be finished and dedicated. Being a maritime port, Liverpool lost a great many seamen during WW1 and it was therefore decided to dedicate it to all those engineers who had lost their lives at sea. This didn't please a number of people who had contributed to the Titanic Memorial Fund in memory of their own loved ones, and quite a battle ensued. all the paperwork is still here in Liverpool.

Thanks for that Geoff. That is interesting.

Best regards,

Well, yes.......if you consider the musicians crew.....

There is one for Wallace Hartley in Colne in Lancs. and, of course, one for Capt. Smith in Lichfield.

And Geoff, don't forget about the stained glass window in Liverpool Cathedral in your hometown. Remember, we went to see it together about 10 years ago. It was a small square in a larger window for the Ismay family and was dedicated to, if memory serves me well, J. Bruce Ismay. Was he crew......depends on your view of events on the night of the disaster.

Your story on the L engineers' memorial is one you told me before and it would make for a fascinating story.......you should do it!

Two things: the window at the Liverpool Cathedral is dedicated to Captain Smith.

Also, at the Philharmonic Hall, in Liverpool, is a tribute plaque, to the musicians. The Hall is located on, I believe, Duke Street, between the Liverpool Cathedral, and the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Christ the King (you can't miss either of the two Cathedrals).

John Clifford
Actually, I forgot to state: the Musicians, in fact, were not considered crew, but 2nd class passengers, and were actually, working for a company in England, that must have arranged their passage.

After the sinking, the White Star Line disclaimed responsibility, and, "to make matters worse", the family of one of the musicians received a bill, for the loss of that man's uniform.

I presume that, later on, both companies reached settelement terms for the families.

John Clifford
John, Yes, the Musician's Memorial was hidden away in the Philharmonic Hall for many years in the musician's changing rooms! Following the fire at the Phil, it was decided to move it into the public area - probably because the powers that be had never even realised that they had a memorial there in the first place! It's well worth a look but be warned, the Phil has notorious closing times so it's essential to check first.
The Anglican Cathedral has, as Gavin says, a Cpt. Smith memorial window - also a stone carved Titanic high in the walls and impossible to see unless the lights are on and you know exactly where to look.There is also an Ismay window which I understand is similar to the one in nearby Mossley Hill Parish Church, the local church where the Ismays worshiped when at their home in Mossley Hill. This window was unfortunately destroyed during the May Blitz of 1941.

There is a small plaque in memory of one of the members of the band in Eastbourne. It is under the esplanade overlooking the band stand. It may take a bit of finding! It is often hidden behind stacks of deck chairs.

Thanks for the information about the Cathedral Memorials. Next time I plan to go to Liverpool, I'll email you, as you'll have to show me the carved Titanic amd the Ismay window.

I did see the Captain Smith window, but I discovered that not all of the Cathedral employees knew where it was.

Also, I did see the Musicians Memorial, as I went in to the Hall after the box office opened.

That was an interesting story about the Musicians Memorial, too.

John Clifford
Hi everyone,
I thought you might be interested in these pictures I took of the Liverpool Engineers memorial last year. I live in Sheffield - about 50 minutes away from Liverpool by train, and I go over quite a lot.
This first pic shows the memorial's full length:-
[Link removed]
This picture shows the decoration on the side of the memorial - the figures are life sized and show a Stoker and a Greaser:-

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This picture shows the inscription on one side of the base:-
[Link removed]
This picture shows the other side of the base and shows the figures of an officer and crewman:-
[Link removed]

And the fourth one shows the other inscription that is on the other side of the base:-
[Link removed]
I had to just put links, as unfortunately the bandwidth restrictions would not let me post the pictures directly for you to see - sorry.
Hope these are of interest, I tried to get close ups, as in most of the books that I have seen, where they HAVE featured this memorial, there are only distant general shots - with no close ups - so here they are !!
Nige H

[Moderator's note: The links which once appeared in this message were all to the now-defunct groups.msn.com and the pages they linked to therefore no longer exist. They were removed for that reason and also because they were so long that they distorted the layout of this page. MAB]
Apologies for some of the links above not working - i've been having problems all day with things like this.......I'll get it sorted asap and post updated links.
Nige H
Hi again everyone,
I simply don't know why some of the links have worked and some haven't, but I can't seem to get them all to cooperate!! If you cut and paste them into another browser window though, you can view them without leaving the ET board.
((If anyone knows why this happens PLEASE tell me!!!))

Nige H
Hi Nigel,

Thanks for sharing those and good close up shots! Very interesting.

That's very strange as to why some of those links don't work. I'm not sure why it happens though.

Best regards,

Jason - re Memorials for crew in the U.K. Have you seen the one for Jack Phillips, the wireless operator in Godalming in Surrey? It is in the grounds of the parish Church, as this is the town from which he came. Dave Wilson.