Cross-channel passengers (Dyer-Edwardes)

I discovered a website containing information regarding the Countess of Rothes' parents, Thomas Dyer-Edwardes, Jr., and Clementina Georgina Lucy Drummond Villiers. The information is accurate, but I question one part of it. It states that Thomas and Clementina Dyer-Edwardes were cross-channel passengers, purchasing ticket No. 87 for £3 (On this website, the holders of cross-channel ticket No. 87 were a Mr. and Mrs. Ewards). They were going to their chateau of Caudebec-en-Caux, Normandy, and were accompanying their daughter, Noël, who traveled with her husband's cousin, Gladys Cherry, and maid, Roberta Maioni.

I appreciate anyone who can affirm or correct this piece of information. The website from which I extracted this information is found at
Sorry, Eric. I checked it myself, but it did not go through. Just try going through, and look up "Noel Dyer-Edwardes," and you should find the website address within the first five websites listed.
Hi Jeffrey,

Very interesting item. Given the large number of name errors I do not find it at all surprising that the names of Mr and Mrs Thomas Dyer-Edwardess were mis-recorded as Mr Mrs T.D. Ewards. - The Countess' maid was recorded as Miss R. Mairore.
Hi Dave,

It comes up as the 3rd item on under "Noel Dyer-Edwardes," on
[PDF]Titanic People. File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML ... Middlesex, on February 21 st 1847, the only son of Thomas Dyer Edwardes, and his wife ... The couple had one daughter, Lucy-Noel Martha, born on Christmas Day 1878. ...
If you cannot get it to open e-mail me and I will try and post you the link.

Dear Jeffrey,
I think I can help, since I wrote the article you found. Thomas and Clementina did indeed travel to Cherbourg on the Titanic. Their crossing was mentioned in several British newspapers at the time. The website you found is an advertisement for a project of mine that came out in April. I was invited to write a set of biographies about the people who sailed on the Titanic. This has been produced on a CD Rom, which is available from the site you found. In addition to Thomas and Clementina, there are biographies on a number of cross-channel passengers, including the Lenox-Conynghams, Noels, Odells and Mrs Nichols.
Hi Craig,

Congratulations on your project. Thanks too for sharing your research, particularly the ADB article on the Dyer-Edwardes which was a revelation to almost everyone.

Best to you,
Hi Renae,

Sorry but to the best of my understanding there is no definite answer.

Most sources disagree as to which First Class passengers boarded at Southampton and which at Cherbourg.

Starting with what is not is dispute:
3 First Class; 7 Second Class and 113 Third Class passengers boarded at Queenstown.
102 Third Class passengers boarded at Cherbourg; with 27 [?] Second Class; one of whom upgraded to First Class. I am not even going to try and give you a First Class number.

What figures does your student have for Southampton?
Thank you for your help! My student is still compiling his Southhampton figures. I'll let you know what he comes up with. He was impressed to receive such a quick response from ET message board. We both appreciate your input.

In one topic,* I have read that Countess' parents were going on the Titanic to their chateau at Cadebec-En-Caux in Normandy. I have tried to search that chateau but I have not found anything. Does anybody have any infos about the chateau?

Thank you very much
Regards, Vitezslav

[*That topic is now this one; the two separate threads have been combined. MAB]