Passenger graves and memorials web tribute

With the repository of photographs in the archives of TIS and help from friends, I hope to create this site as a memorial to Lusitania and Titanic passengers. I should be happy to include any photos ET members might like to share. A few new photos will go up each day- there are literally hundreds to scan, so this will be a long labor which may take six months to complete. I have posted photographs of passengers whose faces are not well-known and I know you will enjoy seeing them as much as I love to see these places where I may never get to visit in person.
Thanks guys- I have also had a request today to add a Resource Link to the main page with internet and book resources available- so will get busy on that this weekend.
Excellent idea for a website, Shelley!

From what I've seen so far, it's already on the way to being an invaluable resource, especially as there are an increasing number of cemetery trekkers amongst us passenger/crew enthusiasts. This is certainly one of my big areas of interest at the moment.

I'm particularly pleased to see a photograph of Harry Anderson for the first time, too.

Best Regards,
Great start! Agreed, a labor of love!
I must get out there and do some more cemetery research. Not a whole lot in Sunny California, but glad for what we did find.
Ben- Yes Harry was an elusive one! That photo is from an old passport around 1919-1920. The Resources link is up now on the mainpage. The idea for the site was inspired by Find a Grave when I went there to make a tribute for Walter Lord last week, and is meant to be largely visual with photos and not too much text-because we already have the definitive site right here! I am looking for photos of grave markers and stones primarily, also memorials of various types, -without people in the frame ,color prefered, jpegs at 72 resolution are helpful but I can adjust any type of file to fit. Of course, any original photo submitted will be credited to the photographer, and must be used with his/her permission. All uncredited photos on the site are in the archive of TIS and are used with permission. I hope to add one item to each link every day. Have also removed the midi files from the main links as I understand they cause problems-and the pages will load faster too. Am having a great time with this and can't think of a better way to share resources! Am also NOT a high-calibre "people" historian, so PLEASE correct me if I have an error- I can take it! I already made 2 mistakes today- but have repaired the damage- that's why God made the backspace key!
Shelley I'm leaving in the morning for a 3-day cruise and I know I'm going to forget when I get home Monday but please email me at "[email protected]". In my desk (somewhere) I have an extra photo of Arthur Keefe's (named as O'Keefe) memorial in St. Mary's Cemetery in Rahway, NJ, which I will be glad to send you. Pls. remind me next week. Also, my mother, whose family is buried there, swears there is a second Titanic person (a survivor) in this same, very small cemetery. In July I'll be going there and will do an in-depth search for this second person. In the meantime, good luck to you for this "labor of love". Regards, Dennis Foley
Hi Shelley,

Super idea and it's a great looking site! I agree, it's a labour of love. I'm also a cemetery trekker and I will be doing that this weekend, as I visit the graves of first class steward Emma Bliss and first class passenger Ethel Fortune.

Best regards,

Take your camera Jason! I have visited Alice Fortune's grave back in 1991. Today I head out to Oakland Cemetery in Cranston, RI to get a photo of the grave of Amy Stanley Tanner- then I will be able to finish the Rhode Island graves page. I have reorganized the OTHER link off the main page into states which I hope will make navigating the site easier. I think I will soon need a link to Site Photographers- thanks for the support and enthusiasm- it is a very rewarding feeling to document and display these important research photographs and to also, in some small measure I think we keep the memory of the people alive too. I am hoping as we visit these graves, maybe we can also do something about keeping them in good condition-either by removing debris and vegetation, or alerting cemetery caretakers of damage or vandalism. I know several societies are also active in seeing some kind of marker is placed on graves which have none- all worthy pursuits. Everybody doing just a little in their small corner of the world accomplishes a lot.
Hi Shelley,

"Take your camera Jason!" Absolutely, I wouldn't leave home without it!

The next time I'm out in Halifax, I'll have to take a side trip to visit Alice Fortune's grave.

I agree, we should make sure that the graves are well taken care of and not in disrepair. Which reminds me, I'll have to stop by Peuchen's grave and make sure it's alright.

Happy trekking!

Best regards,

Hi Shell,

Great work on the site - it is looking most impressive. Keep up the great work. I'll keep the pictures coming.

Hi Jason,

I don't know whether you've been to Mount Pleasant before, but if not, please know that Mrs. Fortune and Major Peuchen are buried there also.

As Shelley mentioned above, a number of Titanic societies and individual researchers are taking the time to maintain the appearances of Titanic and Lusitania memorials around the world. Thanks to all for this effort.

Woodlawn Cemetery contains the largest number of Titanic connections outside of Halifax and Southampton. Woodlawn officials were informed years ago of the eleven "other" famous people who are buried within their borders and have added them to their records of notables. They were fascinated that so many Titanic connections were there.

I am pleased to repeat the news that just recently, a marker was finally erected over the grave of Mrs. Mathilde Wren, a Titanic survivor who lived in Montreal, Quebec. When she died in 1953, it appears that no effort was ever made to place a stone. Special thanks to Elisabeth Houle, Rene Bergeron, Alan Hustak and Gavin Murphy for all the work they did in reporting on this special event. Pictures of the new grave will be sent to Shelley to post on her website.

Once again, I think your idea to remember those involved is truly commendable, Shell. With so many members of the ET living all around the world, it is wonderful to think how so many others can add to this lasting tribute.

Hi Mike,

I've been to Mount Pleasant Cemetery previously and have visited Mary Fortune in the mausoleum and Arthur Peuchen's grave, but thanks for mentioning that.

Best regards,


This is getting better by the minute! I second Ben in commending the addition of the Harry Anderson image.

ETers all over will be proud to contribute to this Titanic version of "Find a Grave." Thanks for the heads-up on that site, by the way. I just signed up there. Had never been to it. Great stuff. I signed the Walter Lord page and want to say what a great contribution you made; that photo of him is the best.

I hope that everyone, regardless of society affiliation or nationality, will feel free to contact you with submissions of photos and information.

Looks like you've got enough on your plate already!

I found Amy Tanner's grave at 3:40 this afternoon- and what an adventure. Whoever said Rhode Island was a small state and Cranston just a little suburb of Providence will get a piece of my mind. I also am planning a slow torture for the demented people who thought up MapQuest! It sure looked easy on paper- a mere 30 minutes' drive from work. When I took that easy turn to the parkway, I smacked into a chainlink fence and a smiling granny who said "That there road has been closed off for YEARS"- so an hour later, a kindly gas station attendant leaned wearily over the counter and queried, "MapQuest, right? Three lights and a left." Apparently we MapQuest wanderers have a certain harried look. I never knew there were so many Walmarts and so many churches. Broad Street sounded safe, like Main or Maple or High- and it was after finally stumbling across it by accident, cars beeping angrily behind all the way as I hung out a window squinting. Oakland is in what used to be a pretty nice area but is now suffering gentle urban decay- the cemetery is frankly urban rot. I nearly ran off the narrow paths when I saw a rainbow avalanche of plastic flowers-colors nature never intended, festooned with balloons, teddy bears, blow-up Easter bunnies and all manner of eye-popping paraphanalia. The office was boarded up and the door was hanging on its hinge , weeds growing profusely in reckless abandon. Returning to Rainbow Field, I spied a man on a bucket loader digging a grave amidst the multi-colored foliage underfoot. His name was Clive I think and I think he was none too happy to have me sneak up on him. His plan was to have me come back next week so he could look up Amy Tanner in that ramshackle hut! I stepped between him and the open grave and declared I was here from another country and today had to be it. After scratching and staring up at the trees for a space, his sidekick (Ernie) ambled over. I was thunderstruck when he said-"Oh Amy-the Titanic lady- yep...right over there." It seems someone who knew her in Life walks his dog in the cemetery and has chatted with old Ernie. He frisked on over to the grave while I followed in the car- and with the wave of a grimey hand , he disappeared like a gnome into the dirt. The stone is beautiful, a frond of fern on top, and thankfully it is not in amongst the plastic horrors. Eugene, her husband, and a man named William Tanner is also buried there. I cut away the overgrowth and cleared away 2 years worth of dead leaves. Will have the photos to post in a day or so-forgot the digital. I don't know what you all do when you find a grave, but I tend to talk to whoever it is I am visiting. I wonder what Amy would have thought of all the Titanic interest today? My hat is off to those great folks who document cemeteries and do all the geneaology- what a labor.