Marvin Footage


Is it my understanding that Daniel Marvin did make some home movies on board Titanic? Two questions: what is the possibility those movies were processed en voyage and if sealed in their cannisters perhaps in a leather bag, what are the chances of possibly being recovered. The fact that their cabin (D-30) is deep enough in the ship that wood remnants are intact and has easy enough access off of the grand staircase might make it feasible for a future exploration. I know it's very remote that his reels would still exist even after a few months due to salt water and bacteria, but then again no none thought of finding paper or wood still intact either...thoughts?


Hi, Dan!

If you're referring to the kinematograph photographer whom Beesley saw filming the New York incident, chances are it was William Harbeck instead of Daniel Marvin.

>Two questions: what is the possibility those >movies were
>processed en voyage

IMO, it's unlikely that the films were processed on board the Titanic.

>and if sealed in their >cannisters perhaps in a
>leather bag, what are the chances of possibly >being recovered. .....
>I know it's very remote that
>his reels would still exist even after a few >months due to salt water
>and bacteria,

It's hard to say, A few years ago some processed film footage was recovered from the Lusitania (although it was in pretty poor condition.) I suspect that unprocessed film footage would be far more fragile than processed footage, but who knows? The deep ocean has surprised us before.

All my best,

George Behe