Bess Allison


There are several books out there on Canadian passengers with alot of info on Bess Allison. Go to your local library, and there are bound to be books with info that you are looking for. Also, using the internet is a great idea.

Hope that helps,

Andrew Maheux
Here are some photographs of the home and some other information on the family from a trip I made last May.
Hope it is useful. Alan Hustak and the Chesterville Museum supplied much of the material at this site- really great people in Hud's hometown, and cannot do enough for you at the little museum!
thanks for the replies.
Andrew, could you suggest any books i'm getting one called canadians aboard titanic (i think thats what its called)has anyone read it?

shelley, that site is lovely.
i've just found the book i'm getting, it's called Titanic: The Canadian Story, by none other than Alan Hustak, i thought i knew that name when i saw it. unfortunatly it's not available in any bookshops where i live so i have to order it.
Happy Birthday Bessie.Your 120 years old. I miss you and mourn for your untimely and avoidable death.

Mrs. Bessie Waldo Daniels Allison
November 14th 1886 - April 15th 1912
I have been trying anything and everything to find out about what happend to Bessies family after 1912. For example When did Arville and Sarah die as well as her sisters and possibly a brother? Did they have children? Anything about descendants... If anyone can help in anyway i would be far to grateful to say in words.


Do you know when they died or anything about their children? How did you find out about Harry as i don't think he is named in her Bio?

Thanks so much,

Grant Woollacott
Lorraine survived. There was an article in a paper from September 1940 which stated that she had discovered that she was an orphan of the Titanic when she wrote to her hometown for a birth certificate, she was told that there was no birth certificate and her father told her that she was in fact adopted
Lorraine didn't drown. She survived and found out in 1940 that she had been adopted by the man who saved her. Her adopted father told her, "The man that passed me to you told me that he was HJ Allison of Pennsylvania, and that your name was Lorraine"
I have been researching for months and all the websites said that Lorraine died. How did you find out she lives? I guess I am asking how did you find out about the newspaper artical? You have helped me a lot! 