A Strange Story on Loraine Allison

Last year, I happened to be in United Dairy Farmers with my mother, purchasing ice cream, when I spied a particularly disturbing article in a novelty newspaper. As we all know, these papers are usually a big bunch of crap, but the front page really caught my attentions. It read: 'Titanic Baby Found Floating In LifeRing Calling For Her Mother!'
Partially interested, I picked up the magazine and read. Inside, I found something I felt horrible and quite degrading. Since this was a yr. ago, I'll try to sum up what I read:

A small child was found in the North Atlantic ocean clinging to a lifering that read: Titanic. The little girl was very much alive, and piece of paper in the child's dress pocket identified her as Loraine Alison, listed in the third class ledger as perished. But apparently, history has just been proved wrong. Loraine was traveling in third class with her parents, Hudsen and Bess, and five year old brother, Hudson. Young Hudsen was the only member of the family to survive. He was kidnapped by a first class man in order for the man to have an excuse to enter the lifeboats.
Presumably, Mr. and Mrs. Alison and their baby daughter perished. Mr. Alison's body was the only one recovered. However, this new evidence seems to disprove this theory. The ten month old child was plucked from the icy water clinging to a doll and crying for her mother and "Hudsy", most likely her brother.

That's all I recall. Anyone want to put forth some comments on all this bull?
I recall seeing a photo of the cover for this story in one of my books, though I've never seen the actual tabloid. Obviously, the story is totally untrue. We all know that the Allison's were travelling in first class and that Alice Cleaver escaped with Trevor in lifeboat #11.

Just another story from the tabloids to get publicity!

Best regards,

This was the Weekly World News, which has been discussed on this message board before. Some of the things that paper puts forth as being true is down right sad.

I'm guessing they created the story of the man in first class taking the baby to get into a lifeboat from the Cameron film. As Jason pointed out, the Allison's were first class passengers. This story is so incredibley unbelievable there's no need to go into any detail on why this could never happen; it's obvious!

That was in the Down With The Old Canoe by Biel book. I don't have the book with me, but I think that story was fron 1991 or 1993. They must have run that story again ...?

Hi Daniel!

I thought that's where I saw it, but I wasn't sure. Thanks!
I think you're right about when that story ran, but I'll check my copy of the book just to satisfy my curiosity when I get home. If they did publish that story again, I guess they figured that they didn't get enough publicity from it the first time!

Best regards,

Good morning everyone, I am a new user on this message board, and am very interested in persuing family history re Hudson Allison. As a young boy, I was often taken to the cemetary in Chesterville, ON by my great aunt Mrs. Anna Marcellus (smith)who was born in Chesterville and came from quite a large family in that area as well as Winchester. AS quite some time has passed, I remember my aunt showing me the monument dedicated to the Allisons who were lost on the Titanic, and she hinted that she was related to Hudson as a first cousin, as he was born on a farm just East of Chesterville, and as a young man worked for Mr. Castleman at the store, and now I am trying to make the connection with the Allison family, as my great Aunt did write a history of Chesterville, and also I have a family tree that she drew up, but unfortunately no dates!! I note thru' this message board that there is a museum in the area which contains the Allison story, but as I live in Alberta, it's difficult to do any hands on research. If anyone can help in this quest, I would be grateful. As we can all appreciate, any further documentation that would enhance these stories of this ship/passengers and crew, would be beneficial to all.
Hi Mary,

According to Ronald's profile, he hasn't been on since he posted.

So, you might want to try and e-mail him.

Best regards,
