Suspicious circumstances re Allison survivor

The last thread on premature ends of some survivors, made me recall that I was always curious about one of them. Infant Trevor Allison was rescued by his nurse, Alice Cleaver, while his parents and sister perished. He was taken in by an aunt and uncle but then died of food poisoning 17 years later.

I always thought the coincidence of his passing away just before turning 18 should have raised a yellow flag. Does anyone know if the authorities at the time were suspicious of the circumstances surrounding his death, especially since there was a sizable inheritance in the picture that eventually went to this aunt and uncle?
That possibility has often been raised but seems doubtful as Trevor had been vacationing with other relatives in Franklin, Massachusetts and that is where he became ill. So the ptomaine poisoning occurred before he returned to the Allison's coastal residence in Maine where he died.
Just another twist to the fate of the tragic Allison family, this time little Lorraine.Did I read somewhere once that some years after the Titanic disaster a young girl emerged "Anastasia like" claiming to be Lorraine Allison, having been saved and claiming her inheritance ?.Anybody have any information?.
Yes, in 1940 a person puporting to be Lorraine Allison appeared on the scene. She claimed to have been saved by Thomas Andrews, and made some other phony contentions. The story is spelled out at length, in "Titanic: An Illustrated History." Her claim fizzled out when her lawyer died in 1951. Thanks, Joe Shomi
About Trevor's death (and this is only an opinion and I could very well be wrong), but I don't find it unusual that he should die of poisioning at such a young age. It was rather common in those days to still "die young". All my grandparents had siblings die before 18. Had he been poor instead of rich, I don't think anyone would have questioned it.