Marjorie Newell photographs

Have any photographs of Marjorie Newell in her youth--more specifically around 1912--been published in some of the numerous Titanic-related books available? I am interested to see what she looked like around the time of the disaster, and for some reason the photos available on her biography page are not loading for me. I understand Michael Findlay is the man to ask, but help from any source would be appreciated.


I have only seen the picture of Marjorie in youth on ET, and sorry it is not loading for you. Since we both have AOL, I will try sending it to you, but remember that copyright belongs to ET/Michael Findlay. I am interested in the total opposite as you, I am interested in Marjorie in older-age pictures. I have a few of those. Well, hope I can help.


That would be great if you could e-mail that picture of 'young Marjorie' to me--I don't know why it won't show up on my screen. And as for photographs of Marjorie in her later years: those are of interest to me as well. I have seen what she looked like in old age (in interviews and such), but never what she looked like around 1912.

Thanks again,

My equally challenged friend. After Nathan teaches you, please explain to this old dinosaur how it works. My wife got me one for Christmas also, and all I've used it for so far is to make photocopies. A very expensive Xerox machine, but beats pressing down hard on carbon paper, ehhh.
If you click on the spots to magnify the image, the pictures come up. I don't know why that funny square with the X is there. More server problems maybe?

BTW, I don't have AOL, so I doubt that's the problem.

Michael H. Standart
Wow- have gotten a lot of mail about the Newell photos. My brilliant daughter is coming home from school to teach her antiquated Ma how to use the scanner and post pix- so I will be digging them out soon to post for everybody. Also have some very nice Marshall Drew, Frank Aks , Ake Dubois, and Louise Pope photos if there is any interest.
Thanks for patience- I have set up a geocities webpage since I can't figure out how to post pix here. Will have the clever daughter home NEXT weekend to scan stuff- it was nice to get so many requests. I have a lot of photos of her- mostly from age 96-101, including her 100 birthday party.
Wow! Shelley, you really have a lot of pictures. I have some too, that many people have sent me for my survivor scrapbook. It is very nice of you to answer the many requests you have had by making a webpage will the pictures on it. Thank you.

Mark Bray
Hey Shell,

If you need any pix, just let me know. We're all just flopping around the house today preparing for the blizzard. Since we expect to be snowbound for awhile, I'll gather a bunch of photos to send. I just found a great pic of Marshall at your house in the summer of 1985 having a cold beer, and Michel Navratil with one of the cruise directors doing 'the twist' on the Island Breeze in 1996. I love the one of Lou Pope feeding the horse in Philadelphia prior to her carriage ride around the city in 1989. When one of the carriage drivers cautioned her about the animal sampling human fingers, she brushed aside his warnings - "I raised horses for years on the farm - I know how to handle to them!" and she sure did. How she loved animals, in addition, to her gardening.....

Let me know when the website is up, Shell. Hope Mother Nature doesn't inflict too much wrath around Dovecoat
