Marjorie Newell Robb

Marjorie's birthday was February 12th- and am late remembering her this year but Patriot's Day, celebrated on the third Monday in April, beginning the Revolutionary War- was a favorite holiday for Mrs. Robb- she was really proud of being a Lexingtonian. Below are the markers at Mount Auburn cemetery near Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Just a note to mark the birthday of a great
lady. One didn't have to know her forever,it
just took one meeting to know how special she
was. Thanks to Marjorie who many years ago
was the first Titanic survivor I spent time
with and was impacted by.
With Greatest Respect,

I never had the pleasure to know Ms. Robb, but always admired her from afar...

Mike Findlay's article about her in TI's Voyage painted her as a woman with a great wit and sense of humor, and she may very well have been the last survivor with a clear memory of what happened when Titanic sank.

Mike, you out there? Could you post some of your recollections about Ms Robb? She sounded like a wonderful person...

Tarn Stephanos
I have one question: What became with Marjorie's sister Madeline Newell? Marjorie is very famous but I never heard anything about Madeline. Any thoughts about this?
Brian. Thank you for humbly reminding us of this date, and what she meant to you. I am sure your dearly held personal recollections of befriending her are vivid, humorous, and when in print, will help ensure that the memory of her experience of this disaster will burn brightly for future generations to come.
God Bless you, Ms. Robb. You lived a good life, and may your final reward be held in heaven.
Delia, Madeleine spent her life doing good works and taking care of her mother, who lived to be 103. After graduating from Smith college, she continued studies at home, was fluent in several language, active in church and music, and put many hours in what was then called "settlement houses" for older ladies who found themselves in financially difficult situations. One was in Bedford, the other in Waltham. The very next issue of Voyage (quarterly journal of TIS) debuts a series called "Titanic Sisters"- and as it would have it, Madeleine Newell is the focus. I was able, with the help of Smith College, to piece together many of her contributions to alumnae newsletters, and find recollections from her classmates. She was very reluctant to speak about Titanic. She was the more retiring sister, a homebody and gentle confidante of her sister's children, grandchildren and various nieces- greatly loved. She made three trips to Europe in her lifetime, including that fateful one of course.
Hi Tarn,

Thank you for your kind words about my article on Marjorie. There aren't enough pages in a book, or space on the entire ET to write about this special woman. As Shelley mentioned, more information about the Newell sisters with be forthcoming in Voyage.

There are so many memories that I will be happy to share at some future time but one is especially vivid since the recent passing of George Tulloch two weeks ago.

I remember attending a late afternoon dinner in Boston with several Titanic friends back in January of 1990. George Tulloch was among the diners, as was Shelley Dziedzic, Claes-Goran Wetterholm, Ken and Karl Olson to name a few. As we were finishing up our meals, I had commented that I intended to visit Marjorie on my way home back to New Jersey. Overhearing this, George had expressed a burning desire to join me as he had never met Marjorie. By the time our conversation had ended, the entire dinner party wanted to pay Marjorie a visit and to wish her a Happy Birthday one month early. We formed a convoy and headed south on I-95 to Fall River where Marjorie resided. I phoned ahead, and Marjorie was expecting us.

The stately Adams House where Marjorie lived was still decorated with Christmas lights when we arrived that early evening. Shelley and I went to Marjorie's room where she sat quietly in her chair in anticipation of our arrival. She was overjoyed to know that so many people had come to see her on this cold night, and kept asking why anyone would want to take time out of their busy schedules to come and see her. We assured her that her admirers were all waiting downstairs in the lounge.

When we arrived in the foyer, George immediately rose to his feet and walked over to Marjorie. Introductions followed but Marjorie didn't quite understand just who George was in relation to the Titanic. Sitting down for a few minutes, Marjorie greeted and thanked everyone for coming to see her. She was very touched. When Claes-Goran told her that he had traveled from Sweden, Marjorie was surprised and jokingly commented, "Now that this the furthest anyone has ever come to see me!" Realizing that there were some in attendance who hadn't heard her account of the Titanic disaster, she politely offered to retell the tale once again for the benefit of those interested.

One could hear a pin drop as she related the events of that cold April night almost 80 years before. George Tulloch was enthralled, and sat at her feet like a schoolboy listening to every word she spoke.

When Marjorie had finished speaking, she graciously answered questions from her guests. This was George's opportunity to introduce himself a little more. He leaned forward and asked Marjorie what she thought of seeing the Titanic again on the ocean floor from the pictures that had been taken on previous expeditions. Marjorie freely admitted that she had no real desire to see any of the photos as images of the great ship brought back sad memories. George then told her that he had been to the Titanic recently. After a few seconds, another look of surprise showed on Marjorie's face. She was fascinated, and was curious to understand just what George was saying. "Do you mean you actually were down under the water to look at the Titanic?" George replied "Yes, but in a deep diving submarine." Marjorie was even more interested. "And what did you see down there?" she asked. George replied, "Well, I saw a beautiful ship waiting to come back to life. She wasn't as beautiful as you remembered her 80 years ago but she's still there just waiting to teach us more and to answer some of our many questions."

We were never quite sure if Marjorie fully understood just what George was trying to explain. Given her advanced age, and limited knowledge of the Titanic expeditions, she undoubtedly understood that George had been down to the wreck and this intrigued her. The two of them spoke for almost a half-hour on the work George and his expedition team members had done. I remember Marjorie commenting, "I last saw her almost a lifetime ago, and you just recently. I just hope that if you can do anything good by visiting the Titanic wreck that you have the best of luck." George replied that he would bring the Titanic back to the world so that future generations will have the opportunity to appreciate the great liner's history and legacy. George promised Marjorie that he would do that.

When we were leaving, George embraced Marjorie and thanked her for the time she gave our group. She was equally grateful to be in the company of so many men, and she kissed and hugged everyone goodnight. It was the first and only time George and Marjorie would ever meet.

After Marjorie's death in 1992, six years passed before the Titanic exhibition opened in Boston in 1998. During one of my visits there, George didn't forget the night in Fall River back in 1990 and the promise he gave to Marjorie. He asked me, "Do you think Marjorie would have approved of all this?" We both nodded. George had kept his promise. He always admired her, and never forgot the memory of Marjorie holding court at the age of 100 at her home years before.

So tonight I am recalling two dear friends - Marjorie and George. I am just so glad that the two of them had the chance to meet, and would like to think that they are now together picking up where their conversation left off on that cold January night back in 1990.

We will never forget them. May they rest in peace.

Mike Findlay