Is anyone connected to any of Titanic's passengers or crew

Does anyone have any relatives who were on Titanic, or the Carpathia or relatives who were friends w/ a passenger, crew member?

My great grandfather was a stoker on the Mauretania when she was under Captain Rostron.
Hi Sarah,

A family member of mine's great great grandfather was on the Titanic as a third class passenger.

That's pretty interesting about your great grandfather.

Best regards,

I'm pretty sure I'm related to a stoker that perished in the disaster, but I do know that my great grandfather survived the Lusitania disaster, serveded aboard Carpathia, Aquiatania and Berengaria before transferring to White Star and served aboard Homeric, for one voyage the Majestic and finally ended his sea days aboard Olympic.
Dear Sarah,
One of my staff had a great Aunt on the Titanic. ( Ellen Carr)I have a number of interesting letters that she wrote after the disaster. Harold Cottam lived and died in the next village where I grew up.( Ruddington, Notingham, England) Eva Hart died in the hospital next to the one I work at in London. Although terminally ill she remained cheerful to the end and would often talk to the staff about the Titanic. My neighbour, across from me, worked on Camerons Titanic and has some copies of letters from survivors.
Kind regards,
Dear Sarah,
I have just read your profile. I also was a nursing student and after many examinations and courses and working in different hospitals ended up in London. When I referred to one of my staff ( the Great Aunt of Ellen Carr )-i employ her as a Nursing Sister. She is from the 'Midlands' of Ireland. I first came across Harold Cottam when I undertook SRN training in Nottingham. A friend of my Mother albeit many years ago knew him. Eva Hart was a lovely lady. About 15 years ago she opened a garden fete at the village I lived in (Suffolk).She lived in a place called 'Chadwell Heath'until finally she went in to a hospice.
I wish you well in your nursing career and your postings on ET.
With very kind regards,
Hello Sarah,

I'm a bit of a newcomer so it took me a moment to breeze through all the topics. I'm pretty sure that I'm related to the Bridget O'Sullivan that was on the board, and I'm told that Bridget O'Neill is a relative of my great-uncle's. Also, my cousin is supposedly the great-niece of the three O'Brien's that were on board.

When I was a child, ca. 1960, my maternal grandmother heard me singing a song I'd learned at camp about the Titanic. She said, "a friend of my mother's went down on the Titanic because she wouldn't leave her husband."

Some years later I realized that she meant Ida Straus. My grandmother's mother, Rosa Haiman Abrams, was the daughter of Rosalie Brasch Haiman, who came to the U.S. on the same ship with the Strauses. They looked after her on the voyage, since she was only 13. The Haiman family lived in Columbus, Georgia, which is where the Strauses lived after first settling in Talbotton. It makes sense that Rosalie's daughter Rosa, who was about the same age as Ida Straus, would have been a friend of hers.

Incidentally, this is how I became interested in the Titanic.
I'm related to William Mackie 5th engineer. He was my great grand mother's Brother In law. My great Grand father was also a Marine Engineer, but I don't think he served on any White Star ships. He was more of a P&O man.
Hi everyone.
I'm related to first class passenger Alexander Oscar Holverson. He drowned, but his wife survived. She died in New York in 1918. They had no children. A.O.H.'s father was the brother of my great great grandmother. He emigrated from Norway in 1861. His children were all born in Minnesota, but A.O.H. was the one who wrote to his family in norwegian, and it took many years to reestablish the contact after his death.
Oh yes, if Mike Findlay sees this; check your mailbox, please!
AAAAAAAAAH! Help me! I cannot find out this persons name! My grandmother always told me that her relative which she called Bo was on the Titanic! His real name was obviously not Bo and my mother has no knowledge of this at all! All of my grandparents are dead and this name could be under Mize, Starnes, Garland, DeForest, Shingler and several more! I'm buried in files now and I have no idea what to do! HELP ME PLEASE!

- Smith [email protected]
Sorry only just found this page and i'm really interested.....

You didn't say how you are related to Joseph Duquemin -All I've discovered so far (if my source is correct) that he is buried in 'Spring Grove Cemetery, Darlen, Stamford, Connecticut' but nothing more - if you have anything to tell I would love to hear from you either over the post-room or by personal e-mail