Titanic Passengers' Relatives

Hi all,

No need to look for me, here I am!
Whilst I'm not as knowledgeable on Australians, a good friend of mine, Andrew Rogers (also from Sydney) knows the names of a few of them. Fireman Murdock's family also lives here in Sydney, and we visited them last year (or was it the year before?), and we visited frmn. Murdock's grave (who was buried only down the road from my grand parents and I never knew it!).

There were a few people who visited Australia, but were not Australians.

You're most welcome to contact me, and I'll put you through to Andrew Rogers.


Well, I just found someone on a Star Wars messageboard who says he is related to John and Sarah Chapman. I can't say for sure if he's telling the truth, or if more likely, someone in his family might be under a false assumption. It would be intriguing to find out if it's true, but that's not for me to do.
I was wondering. who have the rest ET members been in contact with? Personally i have been in contact with one of Banoura Ayoubs sons, Marshall Drews daughter, William Greenfields daughter, one of Olive Croliuss sons and a few other passenger and crew relatives.

I am the great Grand daughter of Kate Phillips who was eloping on the Titanic with Henry Morley. They were travelling under the names of Mr & Mrs Marshall in second class. Unfortunately his body was never found. Love the site!
Thomas Kilgannon

I am the great niece of Thomas Kilgannon, 3rd class passenger. Thomas wrote a letter to his mother as he boarded the ship which I have a copy of that was sent to me from Thomas's first cousin still living in Ireland. The shawl that he placed around Margaret Mannion's shoulders the night the ship went down was brought back to the family but was thrown out by Thomas's brother around 1982. He thought it was an old rag left in the attic. There is, however, still a framed piece in the family that holds a lock of Thomas's hair cut at the "wake" when he left for America and mass cards sent to his mother after his death. I tried in 1992 to find pictures of him but there were none taken but I did have someone send to me Martin Gallagher's last will and testament from the hall of records in Rye, New York. Thanks to Mike Findlay I also have a copy of the passenger list showing Thomas's name and passenger ticket number. When I was about 15 years old I remember meeting Thomas's sister Marie when she visited our home in New Jersey. His brother was my grandfather, John, but I never remember him ever talking about the disaster - he was quite devastated at the loss of his baby brother and I'm told waited for days on the dock in New York hoping he was saved. Please contact me if you would like any other information on Thomas Kilgannon.

Apparently, we are distant relatives Joan. My Great Grandmother is Thomas Kilgannon's sister Bridget. My mother is named after her (middle name). As a child, my mother would go to John Kilgannon's (Thomas' brother) farm in New Jersey.