Moubarek Family

The subject of Amenia Moubarek and her two sons has been a mystery to me, since their biographies are empty. But after I read the book "Women and Children first" I have some new information to share.
Amenia Moubarek was married to George Moubarek, which was also the name of her first child. He was a resident of the small town of Houtzdale, Pennsylvania, and had finally saved up enough money to bring Amenia and their two sons, 7-year-old George and 4-year-old William to America. They boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg with Amenia's sister, who just happened to be Celiney Yazbeck!
After the sinking, The Moubareks lived in Houtzdale for about eight years until they moved to Wilkes-Barre in 1920. Amenia died two years later of Tuberculosis. William and George were both teenagers when their mother died. They both passed away in the late 1970's.